• Name: Amy Winston • Alias: Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld • Role: Titan • Brief Bio: For most of her life, Amy Winston thought she was as normal a girl as you could get. She didn't have many friends or really excel at much aside from science and nerdy trivia, and spent most of her time immersed in videogames, comic books and browsing the internet. The world of superheroes, of mighty warriors facing down the forces of evil and fighting for justice, was no more than a news post or a random, passing sighting on the streets from time to time. It wasn't a world she belonged to. She was nothing special, she was just an average girl. It wasn't until her thirteenth birthday that she found out something rather surprising... Whilst playing Gemworld, a new game she had gotten, she was surprised when one of the characters in the game began talking to her directly, and was even more surprised when she found herself tumbling through her closet into the world from the game. Finding herself transformed into the magical warrior princess Amethyst, she set out on a quest to defeat the evil Dark Opal and restore peace to the Gemworld. Armed with her new magical powers, and with the assistance of her trusty Pegacorn steed, her wits and courage were put to the ultimate test as she fought valiantly against the forces of Dark Opal, until she finally came face to face with the dark lord himself. Summoning all of her power, she was able to defeat him, although he managed to escape whilst swearing revenge. However, she had still managed to save Gemworld, and was able to return home only to discover that almost no time had passed since she had left. Not only that, but she quickly found out that the magical amethyst she had acquired in Gemworld allowed her to transform into Amethyst even on Earth. Realising that she had these powers for a reason, Amy decided that she should use them to help mankind as a superheroine, and has recently joined the Teen Titans as their newest member in order to do so. • Abilities: •• Magic: Using the power of her magical amethyst, Amy is able to transform into Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld. As she needs to transform, most of the time she is just regular, powerless Amy Winston, but when she transforms she is able to tap into her vast well of magical power. She's very new to this and has very little experience or training with her magic, so she is not able to do much with it right now. She is able to fire out purple energy blasts of varying power (although at her current level the most they can do is stun an enemy), and she is also able to store items inside the armoured plates on her hips. Any items stored can be instantly retrieved at any time, although for some reason Amethyst can only store up to 99 of any given item, and cannot store anything larger than she can carry herself. Her sword and shield are stored by default. •• Swordsmanship: Amethyst is somewhat skilled with her sword, although it is clear that this is due to magic rather than any kind of training. Because of this she is hardly the greatest fighter in the world, but if she were to actually train her swordsmanship would improve exponentially. As Amy, she lacks such skills, and is actually rather clumsy and easily fumbles with most weaponry. •• Pegacorn: Amethyst is accompanied by her mighty steed, [url=http://i.imgur.com/hzO6SkA.jpg]a winged unicorn[/url]. Naturally, it can fly. Whilst Amy is untransformed, the Pegacorn assumes the form of a plush doll of itself. • Personality: To put it simply, Amy is kind of a nerd. She is rather awkward when it comes to social interaction, but that's less to do with any shyness and more to do with the fact that she's not sure how to talk to people that aren't girls her age (not that she's sure of how to talk to girls her age either, what with not sharing many interests with most of them). Whilst she's an avid reader of comic books and idolizes the more well-known superheroes, her true love is videogames, [i]especially[/i] RPGs. Thanks to being rather intelligent for her age, she's even tried her hand at programming her own games. Despite her awkwardness, she tries her best to be brave, and refuses to back down against an evildoer unless she really needs to regroup and rethink her strategies. • Appearance: [hider=Amy and Amethyst][img=http://i.imgur.com/axSItss.jpg][/hider] Amy is somewhat below average height for her age, and her messy brown hair and glasses give her a rather nerdy appearance. She doesn't really think much about fashion and thus usually just wears plain t-shirts and jeans. After transforming into Amethyst, her height increases somewhat, and her hair becomes long and blonde. Her usually brown eyes turn purple, and her glasses disappear (thankfully, her magic compensates for the lack of them). She wears a purple dress with leggings and elbow-length gloves, metal shoulderpads and a tiara. Upon her chest is the magical amethyst that allows her to focus her powers. • Affliation: Teen Titans • Other: Whilst it was never actually explained to this version of Amethyst and thus she is not aware of it for now, her biological parents are still Lord and Lady Amethyst of Gemworld, and she was sent to Earth as a baby to protect her from Dark Opal's sinister intentions. As the only daughter of the ruling house of Gemworld, Amethyst's full magical potential is utterly terrifying, although thus far she has only able been able to access the tip of the iceberg of power that lies within her. It will most likely not happen during the run of this RP, but she still holds the potential to one day become a Lord of Order and one of the most powerful magic users in the universe. Again, this will most likely not happen during the run of the RP, and in the [i]very[/i] unlikely event that it does I will only do so under the GM's express permission.