Gren sighed, rolling his eyes. "Bloody hell." He decided, those two were idiots. And, just to be safe, the guy with the crab was also an idiot. And idiots were dangerous, and if these guys were already fighting, then chances are they weer gonna hurt somebody. And the only idea Gren had to stop them was by hurting them before they could hurt others! Gren, admittedly, did not give this much thought. He held out his free hand, a mortuary sword forming. It's blade and handle were pure white, with the hand guard being a silver like coloration. He stabbed forward, despite being far away from anybody else. The blade stretched forward, splitting into segments. The segments were connected via chains that were about three inches in length. The reach of the sword didn't seem to be limited by the actual length of the blade, more segments and chain forming as it extended further. The sword whip pierced Tiberius' ship in it's side, shooting out of the top of it. It made a u-turn to stab aback into the ship. This continued until it had wrapped around the ship, getting a good "hold" on it, to say. Gren steadied himself, pushing his feet into the ground, and pulled. The ship was ripped out of the ground, and hurled towards Magnus and Tiberius, slamming into them. It continued, however, crashing into the trees. "You nutty blokes ready to calm down?" Gren asked, crossing his arms, a quite humorless look on his face. Suddenly he felt quite cold, his being frozen. "WHAT THE HELL." Sun asked, gesturing at the ship in shocked and some small confusion. Blue, magical light was leaving his hands, causing Gren to presume he had used magic to freeze him. "Sure, dude was crazy, but the other dude wasn't AND YOU JUST SLAMMED A GIANT METAL BIRD INTO THEM YOU MANIAC." "They'll be fine." "GIANT METAL BIRD. Have you ever been hit by a giant metal thing! No! Because you would probably be dead."