So, as much as I do love my shadow walker type toons, I changed my mind. Every RP needs a comic relief character. :3 Name: Abrellar Grenvall Age: 97 Race: Human Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Abe is.... Well, senile. In the charming, hilarious manner that you so often see in this type of old man. For a few moments, he might seem normal. Then he'll say something alone the lines of "Where did I put that rune... OH! In my beard. Of course, of course...". All of this, of course, muttered into that same, impressive beard. While he is quite insane, he is also well known for being highly intelligent, and far more cunning than he lets on. His motto seems to be "Eh? Light it on fire? Well, if you insist.". Particularly when nobody said anything of the sort. While most races quite simply out-age him, reaching hundreds of year older than he himself is, he treats everybody not in the same elderly state as himself- And with a beard just as impressive as his own- like a 'youngster'. Even the oldest of elves fall under his definition of youth, and he won't shy from whacking them over the head with his staff and berating them about being reckless and young. History: Abe was born in one of those little hamlet towns you never hear about, in the middle of nowhere, apparently belonging to no nation. Likely due to it being to insignificant for them to care about its existence. As a child, he showed an extremely impressive intelligence, always seeking knowledge, always trying new things. Born frail, however, he could never stray far from home, lest he was accompanied by one of the kinder, (and larger) children for help if he became injured or went too far. Over time, his little home ran out of things to teach him. By his early teen years, he yearned for something more- And so with guidance from the town's elder, and the assistance of an adventurer passing through town, he left for a magic college in Frecia. There, he studied. And studied. And studied. He worked the majority of his youthful life away studying runes and how to use them. His lust for knowledge was immense, and yet lacked the one thing that usually came with it- The lust for power. No, he was perfectly happy to remain unknown and insignificant, so long as he could keep learning. He tested new things, discovered new ways to use his runes- New runes entirely, in some cases. Eventually, however, he tried one spell too many. He learned a great deal through it- But lost his.... Grip on total sanity. While still perfectly functional, he lost his serious, studious nature, becoming rather goofy. He had the bad habit of short term memory loss, 'accidentally' igniting a rune and setting things on fire. With this new goofyness, he decided it was time to leave the stuffy library's of the college, and seek out adventure, despite his frail body. For several decades, he traveled the world, latching on to adventurer after adventurer to join them on their journeys and quests, giving them the benefit of his knowledge of magic runes at the cost of physical protection through the adventuring. He kept on aging, and around the point of his mid-eighties, he decided to settle down somewhere in particular. Inferno Hall. He knew there would be more than enough excitement to go around, and plenty of youthful, strong adventurers to protect him during said excitement. He still stays there today- And seems mysteriously stuck at his current physical state. At around ninety, his body simply seemed to... Stop aging. Most put this off as luck in his final years. Others believe he's somehow found a rune magic to lock his body in its current state and effectively halt his aging, though where he would carry a power source immense enough to keep that spell up is a mystery- Unless one pays attention to just how important his staff is to him. Or more importantly, the rune crystal on top of it. Who knows how long he's been ferreting away all of his excess energy into it... More recently, he has continued to adventure, but lacks a companion from the guild, apparently returning to old habits and seeking out new people to irritate. Equipment: One set of robes, pants, boots, and a big pointy hat- For every day of the week. And all of them are completely identical. (Same as in picture. But with a pointy hat instead of a hood.) His staff. At first glance it seems to just be a big stick, crooked, knotted, used merely for support as he walks. If one looks closer, they would find dozens of runes etched into various places on its surface, alongside a large chunk of what looks like sapphire sealed in the top, with a unique appearing rune on its surface. It practically hums with stored power, glowing softly. A satchel of things. Mostly containing obscure rune stones for various uses, but also holding parchment, ink, quills, sealing wax, various plants and herbs, random little trinkets and the like. His "Pointy-majigger". Which is a simple pocket knife. He carries it in his boot, has no idea how to use it, and the most he's ever done with it that proved dangerous was stab somebody in the back of the head when it wasn't looking. Once. He know thinks brains are rotted jelly, and believes humans actually draw their intelligence from a magical turtle living in their stomach. Commonly Used Runes: =On Staff= Fire- It makes things burn, and blows things up. And makes him giggle. A lot. Ageless- The strange crystal atop his staff holds the particular rune and immense amount of energy needed to stop him from aging for the next century. Rainaway- He doesn't like getting rained on. This makes a little bubble that stops him from getting rained on. Poke.- It isn't actually a rune with purpose, but whenever he pokes somebody with his staff, it glows purple. Whack.- As above. But it glows orange when he whacks people. Summon Messenger- A trio of runes that bring forth what he calls a "Whabberjabber" from some plane or another. It looks like a mutant hawk with six eyes, four wings, and sapphires for feathers. He uses it as a messenger hawk. Poof- It makes a very distracting beam of rainbow accompanied by the sound of a very loud fart. And him giggling. =Off of Staff= Transmute- A rune stone that allows him to turn just about anything of similar mass into a gold coin. Yes, he knows it's counterfeit, no, he doesn't care. He's old. This is his excuse for things. Waterythingy- It is a simple stone that draws moisture from the air to create good, clean water. Illusion- Briefly allows him to make simple illusions, usually used while telling stories. Summon Waspthingy- A large runestone bearing three runes that summons a large mutant looking wasp thing. He tends to sick it on troublesome people on his current lawn. It is, as he puts it, "Actually, he's very friendly. He just wants a big hug. And all of the blood in your body.". It's stinger is actually a sucker. To let it take just that. Occupation: Inferno Hall Moral Standing: Neutral Likes: Fire, explosions, large pointy objects- mostly hats, wandering, explosions, turtles, stew, loud noises accompanied by lots of fire and force- (Explosions), shiny things, rambling, telling stories to children, and did I mention explosions? Dislikes: Spiders, other old people, people walking on whatever he considers to be his lawn at that precise moment in time, alcohol, people that don't like explosions, jelly, obnoxious sounds- Excluding explosions-, and round things. Fears: Spiders, other old people, jelly, and round objects. Thinks should not be round. Other: "KABLOOEY!" *Thwacks with staff* "Don't be a fool, of course it can burn." *Thwacks with staff* "My lawn." *Thwacks with staff* "Nope." "Eeeeeheheheheheheeee." *Wheeze*