[center][b]Prelude: The Fall[/b] [img]https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6473570048/hCE4E9BD7/[/img] [b]Infected Reported County Wide[/b] September 3rd, 2015[/center] [i]"Ladies and Gentlement, we now bring you the latest on the ongoing crisis striking the nation and our county. Reports of civil unrest and chaos continues to be wide spread, with much of the mid-west gone dark, along with the eastern seaboard. Meanwhile, here at home, strict continuation of martial law has been renewed in light of county wide reports of infected persons across Paradise. The Mayor's Office has issued a statement ordering residents to remain in their homes, to avoid contact with the infected, and obey all commands given by National Guard Personnel, County Sheriff Deputies and PFPD. Evacuation procedures for Paradise Falls have been cancelled until further notice, and Safe Zones have been abandoned. For the safety of yourself and your family, officials advise barricading your home and await rescue. The Safe Zone at Mercy Hospital has been overrun with infected, along with St.Patrick's Elementary School, and Appalia Town Hall. Do not attempt to reach these areas. In an effort to stop the flow of infected into the county, National Guard troops have blown the Custard Hills Tunnel, passage into the eastern state is now impossible by road, and should not be attempted. Paradise Sheriff's Office has reported infected in and around the area of Wick's Marsh and Sinjeway Badlands. Attempting to escape the county lines through these areas is highly dangerous. Residents are advised that military operations are in progress and any residents in breach of curfew will be shot on sight. Remain indoors and await rescue! The situation across the county is decaying rapidly Stay in doors... stay safe, and pray for all those touched by this disaster..."[/i] [b]*PssssSshshhhhhhh*[/b] (After signing up, feel free to begin your RP in this turbulent time of the collapse.. This time frame will take us forward through six months in which zombies will reduce Paradise County into a state of severe decay, Your primary concern should be to find shelter as civilization collapses. Good luck, and have fun!)