[quote=ActRaiserTheReturned] Yes. The true definition of nothing is pure and utter null. This is a problem that is so hard for intellectuals to accept, partly for good reasons AND stupid reasons.A GOOD reason for people not understanding this, or not wanting to is that they are creative, and as they say "Nature abhors a vacuum". While this may not be what the old saying actually means, it makes sense here in the meaning that a creative, intelligent, artistic, etcetera type of mind doesn't want to accept that there's well. . . nothing. I know from experience that the mere concept of a pure utter , is. . . not comforting. It's the same feeling you get from religious people, when they are attacked by someone forcing their views on them, that there is no after life, God, and things of a spiritual nature. Nature abhors a vacuum, both of a spiritual nature and material nature. If there was ever a complete of the universe and everything, how can there ever be anything else? Well, to be put quite simply, there is literally no way that could happen. Christians, We believe that because there may have been an utter Lack, a certain number of aeons/eras ago, that there must have been a person, or Being. God's name is "I AM". ((All capital letters on purpose)). The nature of God, a being that has always been, infinitely behind and infinitely ahead and infinitely in present existence, is our religious/spiritual way of explaining the Nature of Existence and things lesser than God, which is all things and all beings. . . Soo, in laymen's terms, a supernatural being is most likely the only explanation, I think, that can make sense out of science fiction and magical fantasy that could be coherent enough to stand up to scrutiny. ((Real scrutiny, not some mutiny against scrutiny.)) The reason why Science does not and will never explain everything is because there are two sides of coherent Creation/Existence. The spiritual cosmos and the physical cosmos. Disregarding either side is figuratively cutting half of someone's mind in half. [/quote] Dear god please stop. Are you the authority on what nothing is? Is the dictionary the authority of what nothing is? Can you please stop thinking in terms of associations given to you on a language crafted years before we knew how to even make a lightbulb switch on? Think past the words, think with 3D dimensional concepts, think with visuals, stop hanging up on the words, words are labels we put on things, or in this case, the utter lack of a thing.