[quote=scribz] Dear god please stop. Are you the authority on what nothing is? Is the dictionary the authority of what nothing is? Can you please stop thinking in terms of associations given to you on a language crafted years before we knew how to even make a lightbulb switch on? Think past the words, think with 3D dimensional concepts, think with visuals, stop hanging up on the words, words are labels we put on things, or in this case, the utter lack of a thing. [/quote] The arrogance of Adam's children is astounding.There is a wisdom and there is a knowledge. A deficient enough wisdom may result in a loss of knowledge. Our ancestors were probably in someways smarter than us. Whether we are living in teepees with bows and arrows and tomahawks and wear eagle's feathers or whether we using computer guided missiles and have cloning technology, super computers and the internet doesn't matter. Just because our far off ancestors way into the BC era didn't have MacDonalds, electricity and running water, didn't mean they were idiots.