The way this wealthy nobleman acted with such immaturity was incredibly strange, and practically offensive, to the vampiric rebel leader. But he tried to remain calm, even while the bastard mentioned the breaking potion treatments, and how he was “working for the good of both their kinds.” “That is such complete bullshit. Slavery never benefits anyone but the oppressor, so don't act like you are doing anything to help magical creatures by doing this. I will die before taking even the first dose of that blasted potion. I will not be turned into chattel. You have no right to do this, Alexi, and I will not allow it,” Erik replied coldly, his eyes changing into a dark red. Though it was obvious that his anger still simmered below the surface, his tone held restraint. It was calmer now, as though his mouth were barely containing the storm inside him that threatened to rage back at this arrogant human. ~*~*~ The elder vampire listened carefully, for he understood that all of the information Master Mois provided was given in complete confidence and would be important in protecting the household and Master Alexi's interests. [I]He did not 'just forget.' For some reason Master Alexi does not want me to know. I am surprised he does not trust me after all these years.[/i] But he would not meet the elder brother's eyes. “Peace can never come from further oppression,” Joseph replied almost automatically, before realizing what he had just said. Immediately he slid off his chair and knelt on the floor before Master Mois. “Please forgive me. I did not intend such disrespect,” he implored, staring at the older Master's feet. But the elder Vandros had always been less harsh with the slaves even than Alexi, and subconsciously, Joseph suspected that he would not be punished. Still, he was apologizing in the extremely submissive manner that was expected of slaves. He was unable to do anything else.