I finally did it! It took me forever because I got busy and couldn't come up with an idea for a while, but I finally did it! Name: Dmitri Alkaev Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34200000/-Anime-anime-34264641-500-497.jpg] Race: Spell Born Preferred Magic: Wind magic Main Weapon: Staff (It’s mostly used to enhance abilities somewhat and focus magic, but it’s also good for smacking people with, should it become necessary.) Personality: His history of comedic misfortune may have left him a tad sarcastic, but he’s generally a very nice guy and likes to help people out. He’s also a bit clumsy, but has enough skills to survive, apparently, and is actually a well-practiced mage. Currently, he is traveling the world to learn more about magic. The earring he wears is a gift from his previous teacher. He’s not entirely sure what it does yet, but it’s a precious memento.