Name: Zachary Allaire or just 'Zac' Alias: Legion Age: 20 Powers: Superhuman Strength- His strength is more powerful then any of the other symbiotes that have come before him, stronger then even Carnage, Venom, and Toxin combined. Depending on how angry or upset he gets, he grows to a much larger size, with large claws and vicious fangs. Superhuman Speed- He can move or run at speeds greater than any normal human being. Superhuman Stamina- He can exert himself for at least 72 hours until fatigue impairs him. Superhuman Agility- His agility is superior to any normal human being. Superhuman Reflexes- His reflexes are superior to any normal human being. Superhuman Durability- Much more resistant to injury then his symbiote relatives before him. He also possesses an extreme resistance to pain, and seems to feel it only to a certain extent. Camouflage Abilities- The symbiote is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and to a lesser degree, even being able to mimic people. Wall Crawling- Legion has the ability to cling to virtually any surface. He can rapidly crawl, walk, or run across even slick/wet surfaces. Webbing- Legion can project a powerful, organic web-like substance. He typically uses this webbing to swing from building to building or as a means of immobilizing someone. The webbing is incredibly strong. Manipulation of Symbiote- Able to create weapons and other miscellaneous items from his symbiote. Regenerative Healing Factors- He can heal at speeds much faster and much more efficiently than a normal human. Metabolic Acid Generation: Legion can also use its metabolism to spit acid, which could burn through most substances, however the full extent or limit and range of these acid projectiles are unknown. Techno Hybrid- being able to fuse itself with different kind of weapons. Weaknesses: Similar to all other symbiotes his weakness's include sonic attacks or high pitch noises, as well as heat or fire. Personality: A quiet person, though caring as well and willing to give an ear to listen on others problems and give advice if he can. He is a rather laid back individual and despite being rather timid in crowded places, he can be rather outgoing when with only a few group of people. Appearance: [hider=Image] Normal- Except you know without the fancy gadgets. [img=] Antihero?- [img=] [/hider] Brief bio: Zachary lived a mostly quiet life. No one bothered him and he never spoke up much during his days in school. He grew up with his parents, a stay at home mom and a father who worked for the corporation Oscorp in New York. He attended Midtown High, and shocking to some graduated as one of the top of the class, despite not being the popular kid nor the one to participate in school activities. Once out of highschool he began college and took up a job as well to help pay for his fees. That job itself was an unimportant job, just working at a restaurant as the jack of all trades guy who did what he was told. He never was sure where he would go in life, he lived day by day until the day that tragedy struck. While his dad had been working at Oscorp there had been an 'accident' and the accident led to his father's death. He had rushed to Oscorp when he heard the news to see if it was true, unfortunately it was, he saw the scene before him, a gruesome site to anyone of any age. Yet Oscorp swept it under the rug, made it all disappear rather quickly. While there though little did he know something left with him. A group of people had been trying to capture samples of all the symbiotes that had formed over the year and recombine them. They had successfully recombined them to one symbiote but had no one to use it on, it rejected most of the hosts until that day. It tasted what it wanted from Zac and combined with him. Zac was furious, wanted answers, wanted Oscorp to suffer yet he was no criminal, no one special. He knew though that Oscorp was hiding something about his father's accident. He was just a guy who past through life as a nobody. But that anger and built up frustration made the symbiote choose him and bind with him. When the voices began in his head was when he knew something wasn't right, then one night the symbiote took over. One moment he was in his room, the next he was on top of the Chrysler Building looking at his reflection and seeing what he was. The voice in his head was several yet one at the same time calling himself Legion, for they were made out of many to form one, one that wanted revenge yet also wanted to look good in the eyes of the people, settling on creating his form of justice. Becoming a type of antihero. Despite this idea of justice though, Zac and the symbiote called Legion occasionally don't see eye to eye and argue about it. His appearance of about one month again, a month after the appearance of Spiderman has put him at odds with the new Spiderman. Notes: Zachary at times talks to himself, reason being is due to the fact that the symbiote isn't entirely one being as it is several, pieces formed from the other relatives that created Legion. So since the symbiote has not one persona but rather several he at times will argue with himself, though he tries to keep it at a whisper when it happens.