[b]Floyd - Woods - Jessalyn[/b] The light of day completely blinded Floyd, causing nauseating discomfort. He used his free hand to block the sun's rays that personally targeted him. As he adjusted to the new luminescence, his feet began to move faster and faster. He felt Jess' weight being dragged about forcefully, but wasn't about to stop and jeopardize their escape. When they barely got out of that underground cavern, from a distance Floyd could see men shooting at each other. He could see a blaze of bullets bombarding human flesh. Not only was this new world conflict regarding man vs. walker, it still had that literary conflict of man vs. man. The bloodshed was a worthless feud between conflicting sides. If only people could understand that there were no good men in the world, then they would never even cross paths in the first place. But as the sound of raining shells diminished, Floyd figured they were getting farther and farther from the catacombs. He turned to see Jess wiping her tears, tears of sadness and sorrow. Floyd turned before she stopped, making sure she didn't think she was worrying him - which she was. It seemed like an eternal jog that escape, running through the puzzling woods, ending up nowhere. Every crack their footsteps made echoed through the entire swamps, alerting nearby bait and predators. They had jogged for about a mile or two, quite the time consuming bolt. Suddenly, Floyd's grip gave up, letting go of Jess as his knees started to stumble. His speed descended slowly as he came to a halt and spun to fall on his back. He collided with the greenish-yellowish grass beneath him, leaves falling from trees above him. His eyes were closed as he felt a pain on his side, the pain one feels from running too damn much. Once the pain faded along with his difficulty to breathe, he turned to see if Jess was feeling alright. For a pregnant woman, she was capable of keeping up just fine it seemed. Hopefully the child was alright though, that was what mattered the most. "You alright girl?" he said in that whispering tone of his as he sat himself up. He looked in the direction of the firefight, trying to determine how far they got, but couldn't. All he had been thinking about was getting her out of there as quickly as possible, not focusing on direction or anything other than that. He looked to every direction as he stood, still all he had was that knife he managed to steal from the raider's armory, surely not the best weapon. In that instant, Jess' pleads to save Lynn popped up in his head. His blood began to boil, but with a slow exhale, he was able to control himself. Before speaking once again, he stood up. "We have to continue, c'mon" he nodded sideways, starting down the unsystematic path they had been traveling. The sun's rays continued to lay upon Floyd's shoulders, causing the redneck to remove his leather jacket and sweat even more than he already was. At this point, Floyd was paying more attention to where they were headed, marking trees and making sure they didn't go in circles. He turned back occasionally to make sure Jess was keeping up, but didn't turn for anything else. Finally reaching a small swamp, Floyd stopped. "We camp out here for the night" he said aloud, throwing his jacket towards a nearby tree. He crouched down and damped his hands into the dirty water, using it to wash off impurities that covered his arms. The water wasn't drinkable, it was most likely toxic or something along those lines. Then he sat down just where he was crouching and stared into the lake, not even turning to Jess anymore. He just remained still, thinking about what their next step would be. With the swamp appearing, it mean there was most likely a bigger water source nearby, one that may be drinkable. He'd later have to build a fire and stuff, but right now he just wanted to rest a bit.