My sincerest apologies for my lateness in posting IC. Personal matters are interfering with my writing for the moment, but I will hopefully have the first post done in due time. I will be free as soon as May 15th CST, but I want to try and finish it before then. I'm also changing a few parameters on both of my characters and went in depth with the holy energy concept in Virgil's CS to explain just how it works. [Hider=Ella's changes] [B]Items[/B] [*]Dress is imbued with holy energy, often mistaken as a rune boost. Changed the increase to 100% (twice the strength of a human at peak physical condition)[/*] [*]Prometheus blade is also imbued with holy energy and gives her a 30% increase in physical power.[/*] [B]Runes:[/B] [*] Icarus: Allows Ella the ability of high speed flight in brief bursts lasting up to a minute. Her flight acceleration decreases over time, and she mainly uses this for close range combat. [/*] [B]Skills: [/B] [*]Clairvoyance(Moved from Strengths to Skills): uses a "sixth sense" allowing her to sense any target in a 2 mile radius, and increases her natural instincts. [/*] [B]Strengths[/B] [*]Mid to close range combat with single enemies.[/*] [*]Expert tactician in combat - specializes in dispersing large groups to tackle opponents individually. Especially useful in more closed areas such as buildings or cities/ciity ruins.[/*] [B]Weaknesses[/B] [*]Removed commitment issues, as it sort of goes along with her not being able to trust people. [/*] [*]Due to her physical limitations without her holy items, she can only handle one large creature at a time, as her fighting style and runes are mainly used for MID TO close quarters combat against humans and humanoid races. Will often try to avoid fights against large creatures unless it is absolutely necessary.[/*] [*]Novice rune user due to insufficient training and lack of access to her full angelic powers. (Wanted to add this to further highlight her rune's weaknesses and the explains the stigmata)[/*] [/hider] [Hider=Virgil's Changes] [B] Runes [/B] [*] Enso: Moved to left hand instead of arm. Added - often mistaken as a rune that gives him attribute boosts [/*] [*]Sefirah: The second rune he received after his 280 day trial. This grants him access to an initial 20% of his original power as an archangel, thereby allowing him to channel his holy energy for greater control over his abilities. Holy light radiates from his body, and can be felt by anyone nearby. When accessing the full amount granted to him, his halo can be seen. He must be granted access to increase the amount of holy energy he has access to, and this is done on a case by case basis. When granted full access, he is only permitted to use it for a minute.[/*] [B]Items[/B] [*] Minor change in detail in what he carries in his pocket.[/*] [*]No Name: Virgil's own personal sword, unnamed out of laziness. Strengthened by holy energy directly channeled from his Sefirah to the point that it is indestructible and can cut through any material in the mortal realm when he exudes all of his holy energy[/*] [B]Skills[/B] [*]Gospel of Angels changes: After receiving Sefirah, the enchantment also relieves him of basic human needs, such as breathing, eating and sleeping, and he is fueled solely by holy energy. He eats and sleeps anyway, just to enjoy it. [/*] [*]Enlightenment of the Sacred Tree changes: Reduction of physical damage and regeneration is relative to the amount of holy energy he is channeling. Minimum potential is 0 for defense, and regeneration can take an hour to a full day depending on the severity of the wound. Max potential is 50% reduction of physical damage and near instantaneous regeneration.[/*] [*]Clairvoyance: uses a "sixth sense" allowing him to sense any target in a 4 mile radius, and increases his natural instincts.[/*] [*]Supernatural charm can be used at will[/*] [B]Strengths[/B] [*]Angelic strength, speed, agility, endurance and mental acuity. His full attribute potential when channeling 100% of his holy energy is unidentified, but when channeling only the minimum amount, his attributes are only twice as powerful as a human at peak physical condition. [/*] [*] Added eidetic memory [/*] [B]Weaknesses [/B] [*] Hardly ever taps into his holy energy, and when he does, only taps 10% of it. Does so as to not reveal his identity. [/*] [*]More demonic/weapons powers can drain him of his holy energy.[/*] Added info on holy energy. [B]Holy Energy:[/B] ~ Virgil initially channels 5% of his holy energy at all times. There is no noticeable change in his physical appearance, and it is virtually undetectable. ~ At 10%, Virgil's eyes glow a light blue and he radiates a holy aura around his body. The holy energy resembles that of a rune activation. ~ Beyond 10%, Virgil's holy aura grows and can be sensed at greater distances depending on how much he channels. At full potential, anyone within a 50 mile radius will notice it, and those closer will feel its pressure. ~ He can also transfer portions of his holy energy to other angelic beings. ~ Holy energy acts as a form of magic, but is separate in that it can only be channeled directly from Heaven. ~ For all intents and purposes, he will only use 100% of his power in a subplot. More will be explained when we get there. ~ There will be moments in the main plot when he will use up to 20% of his power, making his attributes 12 times more than a human at peak condition. Defense from physical attacks is 10% and regeneration increases 4 times as fast. [/hider]