[b]Name:[/b] Sasha Shin [b]Age:[/b] 19, nearly 20 [b]Magic:[/b] Molding Magic, Ice. She has the ability to create a variety of objects out of ice to be used offensively or defensively. Outside of combat, the user can also change his surroundings using ice, such as covering the ground with ice. She uses a variety of stationary (inanimate) objects, and moving objects such as animals, yet she can not used the complete collection of both. Often times she uses a combination of both, creating things like "Ice Make: Bear shield". [b]Magic Level:[/b] A [b]History:[/b] Born from a line of Ice Fishing merchants, Sasha was set to become a merchant herself, until when she was 8, her parents, brother and her fell into the water. She managed to get out, but her family died. Left alone, she was forgotten, and just struggled to survive. It soon became clear to her that she could do things others could not, and she soon figured out, and learned, magic after she was found by an old, white haired man. The man knew magic, similar to what she could do, and she learned from him,hiding her ability outside of him. When he passed away, she went traveling, coming to Fiore, where she came across the guild, joining in an attempt to finding a place to belong. [b]Personality:[/b] Sasha is kind and caring She is loyal, determined, strong and brave. She will do anything for those she cares about. She can easily laugh and smile, and is desperate to make friends and fit in. [b]Team Members:[/b] currently no team members [b]Three Strengths:[/b] [i]1.[/i] Enhanced durability to injury and cold weather [i]2.[/i] passionate in things she believes in [i]3.[/i] very creative [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] [i]1.[/i] Speaks her mind [i]2.[/i] she'll never admit to this, but she can't read very well [i]3.[/i] Short stature [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Drawing [b]Motivation:[/b] Wishes to become something, to be valued by others. Basically, she wants a family. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w175/hiucanimoka777/anime%20girls/acd.jpg[/img]