[b]Name:[/b] Phoebe Stark [b]Alias:[/b] Iron Maiden [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Powers:[/b] N/A [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Similar to her father, Phoebe has a tendency to be over confident as she'll often underestimate others or overestimate herself. This often leads her into trouble, especially when dealing with those who would and should be considered a threat. Her most defining weakness however is her mortality when out of her armor, aside from her intelligence she is just as easy to break as any other human. [b]Personality:[/b] Phoebe carries the confidence of her father and the sensibility of her mother. Because of this she comes across as kind and caring individual and those who spend enough time with her will grasp a quick sense for her tact and intelligence. When observed Phoebe can often come across differently depending on her mood. When upset or angry she can become distant and unfocused, but when happy she can be both playful and talkative. So like most humans it really comes down to how she's feeling or what's going on in her current affairs. Phoebe can sometimes have trouble distancing her emotions from her [i]'line of work'[/i], however this isn't a common occurrence. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Out of armor][img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/a20aba1960b1bd8ad3a9096e886e040f1346605440_full.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=In her armor][img]http://i.imgur.com/2AToUG8.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Brief bio:[/b] Phoebe was born with an ironic (Get it?) heart problem which lead to her dying for a few minutes shortly after birth. For most of her childhood she was weak and unable to take part in the same activities that normal children could, her weak heart simply unable to support her body through anything that would cause her heart to beat too fast. Because of this Phoebe became a homebody, reading many books and learning from the same texts her father and her grandfather had once studied from. She would spend hours learning, asking questions and when she got older she would build things within the workshop with the assistance of Jarvis, who at times acted like her guardian and carer. As she grew however, her heart only got worse as it began slowing down with each year she grew until a point where she would begin to collapse. Her parents took her to the best doctors they could find, but each of them responded with the same line; that she would not see many more years to come. It was then that her father decided to offer her the same deal he'd made with himself, but with a bit of a difference. He invented a new Palladium Arc Reactor, except this one didn't function in the same way his did, for his was designed to stop the metal moving closer to his heart. No, this one was made to strengthen her heart, to power it as though it was apart of it. Maybe even replace it. They worked on it together, staying up late into the early hours of the mornings as they drew blueprints, built prototypes and tested theories. Eventually they came to the final product and it seemed their hard work was about to be tested. Her mother eventually expressed her worry which she'd kept bottled up since their project began, often battling between her trust in her husband and the safety and well being of her daughter. But deep down she knew she'd have to accept it, for the alternative was more than she could bare. The operation took place a day later and with some assistance from SHIELD, they were able to install Phoebe's heart reactor. It had been close and there were a few times when it looked like things were taking a turn for the worse. Even as they watched afterwards to see if her body would accept or reject the implant. A couple weeks had passed before Phoebe was able to move around again. She recovered, her vitals improving and it seemed she was in better health. They had finally beaten her condition. More weeks had passed and Phoebe was now taking part in more activities, she was finally living. Then on her eighteenth birthday she received a gift, one she hadn't expected nor worked on with her father. It was her own set of armor, created to work with her reactor. Her father explained that it was time she took on some of the responsibility that came with being a Stark. And so she would go on to become Iron Maiden. [b]Notes:[/b] Really likes Milkshakes.