[b]Tyler - Catacombs - Lynn[/b] A feeling of shock overtook Tyler as Lynn revealed her wound. He hadn't wanted it to end that way. He hadn't even wanted it to end at all. Despite his legacy falling all around him, it took the inevitable death of Lynn to make him fully realize it. "Godammit," he muttered, his bloodstained hands curling into fists at his sides. "Godammit, Lynn. I thought you were stronger than that." Tyler's breathing became erratic as his body became sick with emotion. How could she accuse him of not giving a shit about his daughter? His own flesh and blood? Not a day went by that Tyler didn't think about his two children. Now Lynn was going to die, as naive as ever. "You're always disappointing me," he said, taking a step backward from Lynn. "Now you're just going to die. Alone."