Hello! I'm kind of extremely new here, but I figured I'd post this in hopes of finding someone to RP with soon. This will probably be relatively short. Okay, first of all, about me and my general likes when it comes to RPs and such! - Genre-wise, I'd happily write for pretty much anything. I'd have to say fantasy is my favorite, though. In general, I'm not very good at writing romance, but romance comes up in just about every genre, so it's hard to avoid. Just keep in mind that most romance I write will likely be terribly unrealistic. - I'm perfectly comfortable writing for both male and female characters. I generally prefer writing with people who are the same way, but it isn't a requirement. - I generally try to avoid mature content. I dislike reading and writing mature content of almost any type. - I usually write more casually, since it tends to make things more fun for me. On occasion, I'll be very enthusiastic about an idea and write a lot more than I would otherwise. - My favorite RPs tend to be those where the players play several characters rather than just one. With that said, I have nothing against playing only a single character, either. - I prefer original settings to fan-based settings, though I'm fine with either. I generally get extremely nervous and feel like I'm doing everything wrong when writing characters from existing canons, though. I'm still willing to try! I'm just more comfortable writing OCs. The plot ideas below are just rough thoughts I had while writing this post. If you think you wouldn't mind writing with me based on what I said above, I'd be very interested in any other ideas you may have. I had these ideas on-the-spot; I'm not overly attached to them. And none of them have titles yet because I'm really bad at titles. They're all very undeveloped (as you can probably tell by their descriptions' lengths), and my favorite sort of partner would be someone who has lots of creative ideas for developing them further. 1. A fantasy or science fiction RP built around dreams. Hopefully very mind screwy. 2. A fairly slice-of-life-y RP about traveling musicians. I have conflicting ideas about when and where it should be set, so I'm hoping you'd be willing to help me choose. 3. A fantasy RP in an archipelago. I keep changing my mind about whether I'd rather have this be extremely lighthearted or extremely dark. These descriptions are all very short and very generic, partly because I'm not particularly good at describing rough ideas. If you were to offer a different plot idea or pairing or something else along those lines, I'm sure prefer it to these terrible ideas. You can contact me by PM or in this thread. And if you have any questions, let me know!