[quote=hermijouji] Name: Lind TaylorNickname (Optional): MidasAge: 21Gender: MalePersonality (Optional): A quiet but intelligent person, Lind is very unsociable person, but he can be friendly as long as you're not a foe, he is selfish but he can pay his debts, he can be nice as long as your are a friend and he can and he is very patient person, but don't mess up with him, for once he lose his cool, he is unstoppable.Bio (Optional): I don't think I'll put something here, my brain is still empty, but maybe in future.Guild: ~~~~~~Location of Guild Mark (And Color): Right PalmLikes: Spicy foodsDislikes: Noisy people.Magic: Can turn everything touched by his right palm into gold. And ability to fuse with Golem (make it his Armor)Companion : Outfit: Always wear black shirt and pants and a white glove on his right handOther:His glove is magic resistant, which avoids it from turning into gold.And about his Magic, he can't always use it, for everytime he uses it, the length of his life will be decreased by a month.To fuse with Golem he must press his right palm against Golem's chest. [/quote] *UPDATE* Added companion, magic and added a thing on Others.