[quote=hermijouji] Name IRL: Lind TaylorName In-game: DesolatorGender: MaleClass: KnightStats-Strength:25-Dexterity:10-Speed:10-Defense:25-Endurance:20-intellect:10Weapon: Blade of judgement (Two handed sword)Amour class: mediumAny back up skills: smithingBio: Lind was born as the only child in a rich family on America, unfortunately his mother died delivering him. His father was the CEO of a famous wine company in Japan, for some business matters, they had to migrate to Japan. Being an owner of a big company, his father can give almost everything to him, but not the most important thing, time, he grew up never felt a love of a parent, he grew up alone, not having even a single friend(except those friends on social network and online games), also, he sucks at almost everything. The only thing he is good at and the only thing that gives joy to him is gaming. As a father of a very influential individual, and as a known gamer, he was luckily picked as one of the one thousand beta tester. It also didn't took long before his father bought him a nerve gear, in fact he was one of the first people to acquire a nerve gear.Now that he was stuck in the death game, he never aimed to finish and get out the game, he aimed to die as the best player ever existed in the game. [/quote] accepted