John rolled out of his four poster bed and groaned. He sat up and rubbed his head as his dorm mates scrambled to get dressed. Merlin! It was the first day of classes. John hurriedly put on his uniform, his tie hanging loosely from his neck and the sleeves of his sweater rolled up to his elbows. John looked at the schedule on his trunk and read it. [center]Defense Against the Dark Arts: Granger, Hermioner Charms: Weasly, Fred History of Magic: Binns, Cuthbert Lunch Potions: Slughorn, Horace Transfiguration, McGonagall, Minerva Muggle Studies: Weasly, Arthur Care for Magical Creatures: Lovegood, Luna[/center] Great. His first class of the day was with his mother. Not that he didn't enjoy his mum. They were a lot a like but John was not always the best behaved and was often exhausted in the morning. And his mum would probably kill him if he fell asleep in class. Or Aunt Ginny would. He'd heard terrible things about her Bat Bogie hex. John slung his book bag over his shoulder and left the common room. Soon he arrived at breakfast where he discussed his schedule and found a few friends that shared his classes.