The morning of the first day of classes Kitten crawled out of the infirmary bed and got dressed in her ravenclaw robes. She then proceeded to crawl through the castle on hands and knees going up to the Ravenclaw tower. The door asked her "What is man's greatest treasure?" "She replied Wits Beyond Measure." The door swung open and she proceeded to crawl in and then began crawling up the stairs to the different rooms until she found juneberry. "Meow." Was all she said before she stood up proper and got into her bag and found her schedule. Potions:: Slughorn, Horace History of Magic: Binns, Cuthbert Transfiguration: McGonnagall, Minerva Lunch Charms: Weasly, Fred Defence Against the Dark Arts: Granger, Hermoine Elective Classes Divination: Brown, Lavender Care of Magical Creatures: Lovegood, Luna "Okay." She proceeded to put on clothes considering most of her clothes that she was wearing the previous night had been destroyed. "I think I am going to all of my classes as a canid today."