When Maxwell left he dropped the gauntlets and whistles before him, telling him about his plan to have them welded on. Not quite yet, LeeRoy's got something else on his mind. With Maxwell gone he quickly rerouted all power to the medical bay, then got up from the console and dashed in there. The blue lights overcasting what was about to happen. LeeRoy tapped into a small pad on the wall and a tube with a fresh and strong clone floating inside. Barking out an order to the ball robot it complied with a few beeps and immediately rolling into action. Stripping down to his birthday suit, the scientist himself laid down on the metal table and strapped himself in, this process would be even more painful than the jaw resetting. Inside the tube the fluid that suspended the clone drained out through the bottom, and the body limply flopped against the window. Ball robot opened up the window and caught LeeRoy's new body, strapping it into a chair nearby the table. It wheeled his new form up to the table with LeeRoy and strapped it into place. Neither of them needed to move during this process. For the sake of not writing out gorey details, I'm just going to tell you what the robot did. It withdrew LeeRoy' spinal column, brainstem, and brain out from his old body, and place it inside of the new body. When that was finished the ball placed LeeRoy on the table face down. The machine that repaired his jaw now reset everything into this new body. Maxwell's return was still a few hours away, finding 12 tons of Boron steel isn't a quick process. Let alone hauling it. By the time LeeRoy was back on his feet and redressed, Maxwell's return was still a half hour away. LeeRoy disposed of his old body into the tube and resealed the room. Exiting the medical bay he felt stronger, so much stronger, this was to be expected. This new body was a supersoldier, it looked and moved the exact same as his old form. But it was exponentially more efficient. Opting to not piss off Maxwell he went straight to the gauntlets and picked up the tubes, shaking them about and trying to figure out whether they would still work. The idea came to his head to blow in them. This was met with the surprising result of bubbles floating out of the hole, along with the screaming whistle. "What?" 'What?' LeeRoy checked inside to see if there was any trace of water or soap, or to be honest, anything. The scientist groaned with frustration, realizing, this isn't logical. "This is magic." But! Maxwell requested that he weld them to his gauntlets. No problemo. Within a few short minutes the task was completed, and the gauntlets were prepared to be used with the whistling bubble blowers. Maxwell showed up with the fuckton of supplies shortly after completing the process, and LeeRoy smiled at the convenience. "Just in time."