The apparent anger expressed by the vampire seems to only serve as an excitement for the wealthy lord. His eyes glaze over a bit as his smile slides into a dreamy expression. He even ignores his curse for now just so he can feel the waves of righteous anger rolling off of the bound man. [i]'Ah, so beautiful. The only other being I have seen with such passion. . .is me'[/i] He chuckles at the thought, letting his focus slip back into reality. Rolling over he stretches out, his robe splitting to expose one leg as he brings it up, toes pointing towards the ceiling. “Believe me or not, it is your choice. I put great stock in the right to make one's own decisions, despite what I am going to do to you over the next few months.” Swinging his leg down he uses the momentum to sit up, his back facing the vampire. Sliding off the bed he grabs one of the posters at the end of his bed, causing his body to swing around so he can face Erik. A different kind of fire ripples behind his eyes, but no less strong that the vampire's own. “Keep that flame you beautiful creature.” he murmurs softly. With that he turns to his wardrobe and throws the doors wide open. Stripping down, the doors blocking him from view, he quickly changes into one of his more comfortable but respectable outfits as quickly as possible. As he closes the doors he calls over to Erik. “Sorry, but I must go now. I have a meeting with one of my contractors. I'm having some additions made tot he servant's quarters.” Then almost to himself he adds, “The drackl don' seem to have enough headroom. . .” He seems to drift off into his own little world and without another word he slips out of his room, locking the door behind him. The patterned carpet beneath his feet make his steps all but silent. However many of his servants still hear him coming, their hearing very acute. Still thinking to himself he waves over the first one he spots out of the corner of his eye. The boy rushes to his side as fast as he can, bowing deep. When he does not reply right away the servant returns to an upright position and waits patiently. The servants learn early on in their time at the mansion that Lord Alexi will often times be too deep in thought to address you right away, and some have even had to wait up to ten minutes, following at his heels before he'll tell them what he called them over for. Luckily this is not the case this time and after less than half a minute he looks to the young looking lad with a small smile. “Sorry, but could you bring me Joseph. Bring him to my first floor lounge, by the front hall.” The boy stands up a little straighter and bows with a muttered, “Yes sir.” before taking off down the hall. Alexi watches him go, and even after he vanishes around a corner he continues staring off towards where he last saw him. His gaze however is focused inwards and after a few seconds of this he drops his head down and begins wandering towards the lounge he named. Once there he wanders over to the fireplace, already crackling with cheery warmth, and simply leans against the side of it while lost deep in thought. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Mois blinks as the sudden and rather uncalculated response from the vampire. His eyes follow the man to his subservient position on the ground, but it takes his a few second to gather his thoughts. [i]'Joseph has always had free reign around Alexi and I to express himself since our parent's passed, however this is the first time that I recall that he has done so in such a manner. He's normally more smooth and subtle about it'[/i] Before his thoughts go any further though his attention snaps to the kneeling servant and he chides himself for making him wait. Not wanting Joseph to think Mois actually took offense to the statement he slides off his own chair to kneel beside him. His hands slide out to grip his shoulders gently as he murmurs, “Sorry Joseph, you did nothing wrong, I am glad for your honesty.” His right hand slides off the servant's shoulder so he can tilt the other's head up, endeavoring to meet the elder vampire's eye. The look in his own eyes holds no small amount of confusion. “I agree with your assessment, and from living my life with the man, I don't believe Alexi thinks any different than we do. Which is why I am afraid for him.” Standing he pulls the other to his feet with him, still holding his arms as his gaze drops to the floor. “Whatever he is doing, what it appears to be is far from what I believe the truth of his goals are. He likes the non-humans too much for him to be really wanting to do such a thing to one. Especially one he admires so much. . .” Mois's musing is cut short by the sound of his doorbell. Cocking his head to the noise he releases Joseph and walks over to the door leading to the underground tunnel. When the door swings open to reveal a young male servant with his head bowed Mois cocks an eyebrow down at the lad in question. “Forgive the intrusion m'lord, but I was told that I could find the servant Joseph here.” His voice is strong but mild and as he finishes speaking his head comes up, his eyes seeking out the one he was sent to retrieve. “Lord Alexi wishes to speak with him immediately.” Turning back to the room Mois gives the elder vampire a nod, motioning that he should do as requested and steps aside so Joseph can pass. There is a slight plea in his eyes, some part of him begging Joseph to find out what Alexi is up to, and more over, to keep his precious bother safe.