As the adventurers began to take on the offensive and drive the skeletons back, something else was making its way to them. These undead were but a distraction, just a group of laborers meant to snag the unwary and drag them down into Under Deep. The adventurers flashed, hacked, and slashed, feeling as if victory was under way - but it was not. If Athinar had only stayed at the gate for a bit longer he would feel the ever-approaching vibrations behind it. The howling of the undead and the sounds of battle drowned out any attention from the magically-barred metal gate. A loud, high-pitched, agonizing screech sounded as the metal gate began to slowly ascend. To a normal person the screeching was enough to bring them to their knees, ready to be hacked down by the undead. A large clawed fist, roughly the size of a person's head reached out from below the door. It was big and hairy, with patches of fur missing from it. Its claws were a thick red, as if blood had never been washed from them. When the great metal door finally came to a screeching halt the adventurers heard the blood-curdling roar emit from the hidden beast. Finally it lunged out. It had two long massive arms, roughly five feet long. On each arm was a huge clawed fist, firmly planted on the ground for support. It's body was wide and big, like a toll, only covered in a dark gray patchy fur coat. It had to long bent legs, and when this beast attacked it would launch itself with them. His feet had three deadly claws, so sharp they could rip through the flesh of a man with a single touch. It's gruesome head flicked around. His maw of a mouth was lined with sharp teeth, and his single cyclops-eye was blood red. Once again it let out a roar that immediately attracted the attention of the whole group. The undead around the keep began to back away, ready to allow this ancient beast to feast on its prey. It leaped forward, right towards Dasmira, and the force of the great beast would surely crush her to death if she didn't move fast enough - or perhaps she would meet her end at its deadly claws as they ripped her apart limb from limb.