Name: Shor Age: 35 Gender: male Appearance: [img=] Race: Ogre Preferred Magic: Incapable of performing magic Main Weapon: Shor uses Shor's hammer. It's special, because it belongs to Shor. What it does? It hits people. Really hard. It also works on doors, walls, and everything Shor doesn't like. Shor got it when he made it himself. Personality: Shor is one of the few Ogres who doesn't absolutely respect the authority of the Ancient Goats. After his entire clan was wiped out for the amusement of a particularly cruel Ancient Goat, he chose to become Clanless, an outcast among all. He broke the sacred rules, and slaughtered the ancient goats. he bashed their heads in, that their brains might not hurt any others. He ripped apart their machines with his bare hands, destroying the metal that he himself had wrought. When he was done, there had been no Ancient Goats left in the town. he had been filled with arrows and gashes, living only through sheer force of will, but he had slaughtered every single Ancient Goat that had dared harm his clan. He had been ready to die. Until he realized that he was not clanless. All were his clan. All Ogres suffered under rule from those who considered themselves superior, and yet died so easily. Through sheer force of will, he kept living. 80% of his body is covered in scars. He's practised his skills in combat to match any feat of science or magic, becoming the most accomplished Ogre Warrior known. He would save his race from destruction, even if he had to wade through a sea of blood to do so.