[quote=orangebox] Very interested in this!Just to be sure, fantasy races includes 'custom races' as well right?I intend to be roleplaying a nation of birdpeople. Not exactly a harpy, but something along those lines.--Edit: Yeah, upon checking out the nation sheet and status card, custom races are a go! I apologize for that. [/quote] Glad I took a double take at your post, I was half-way through writing a "WELL IF YOU ACTUALLY READ..." type response. Welcome aboard. I'm lenient with custom races, and since magic is not in the equation, I'm confident no super powerful beings will come into existence. A bird race? They'd make mighty fine scouts, and their armies would be able to travel by air rather than land, giving them a unique advantage. Wouldn't be able to wear a great deal of armour though, if they planned on using their wings, which would make them vulnurable to arrows. Not telling you how to design your race of course, I'm just throwing you a couple of 'keep it fair' rocks :) OOC will be up tonight.