Should be fixed now [hider=Territory]: The Holy Lands are mostly rich and fertile plains and fields criss-crossed by numerous rivers big and small. It many ways rivers are the most convenient form of transport though it is no more free of banditry than on the roads, however locomotives have changed the landscape making another alternative of transport. It is a relatively flat landscape with only rolling hills and gentle slopes to provide any sort of incline. Due to the abundance of water however marshes, swamps and bogs are also prevalent. Flooding is also a problem in some areas depending on the season. Capital City (30) Citadel (40) River x 4 (24) Plains x 2 (12) Large City (30) Plains x2 (12) Forest x2 (8) River x2 (12) Large Coastal City (30) Coastal x 3 (18) River x 1 (6) Plains x 2 (12) Fortress (30) Forest x1 (4) Plains x 2 (12) River x 1 (6) Plains x1 (6) [/hider]