Iris watched as Josh went through simulation. With each Kaiju he took down, she was reminded more and more of Leonardo. The way they moved was very similar, so familiar to her it was, but different at the same time. As he finished and was helped out, she made her decision as to which Jaeger was the best for him. It was a moment later she realized that he was staring at her, and her at him. She raised her brow trying to seem nonchalant as her face started to turn red. Clearing her throat, she spoke, breaking the unwanted silence. "Oh, um, hey." [i]Ugh that was a stupid thing to say, try again.[/i] " did great in there. Your officialy a Ranger now!" she said smiling and raising her arms up above her head. [i]Yeah...much better Iris.[/i] She turned slightly then and said "I'll show you to your Jaeger." With a gesture with her head to follow, Iris turned and started walking to the Jaeger bay. She didn't say much on the way, she was still trying to figure out exactly what emotion she was feeling. It was, really weird. It kinda freaked her out. The walk seemed unnaturally long, but when they arrived, she let out a quiet sigh of relif. Saying hi to a few passerbys gave her a reason to not talk much until the reached the Australian made Jaeger. " Slayer. He's all yours now. Not the toughest Jaeger of the singles but the only one with a certain unique skill." she pointed to the back of it where a set of wings was attached. "This big guy has advanced flight capabilities. Along with the standard cannon and missle attachments, the wings serve two purposes, one of which is obvious, and the other is their detachable quality. Should you have no other resources, theres a switch in the head that detaches the two. One becomes a sword, the other a shield. Notice how they are made slightly different?" she paused. Part of her envied the single pilots. She always wanted a Jaeger to call her own, but she was Russian. She didnt fuss about those kinds of things. "So. What do you think? Pretty cool huh?"