[center]This roleplay is currently [b]CLOSED[/b] [i]Sorry, we're not accepting any new applicants at this time! However, any currently participating members of this RP are free to submit characters until you hit the limit.[/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Caelbury%20Academy&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=40&style_color=AB5B15[/img] [img]http://the13thcrystal.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/ff-agito-xiii-screenshot01.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-980343]Character Bin[/url] | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/32755/posts/ooc]Interest Check[/url] | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/13088/posts/ic]Version 1[/url] [url=http://txt.last-outpost.net/p/Caelbury]Official Etherpad![/url] [b]GMs[/b] Mizuho Sixsmith --- Caelbury Academy. Known for it's selectivity and it's exceptional students, Caelbury Academy is ranked the number one preparatory high school in the United States. It's extremely difficult to enroll here due to the competition and the extremely high requirements, but the rewards are stunning if you're accepted. It's said that every single person to graduate from Caelbury Academy becomes extremely successful in life, in whatever field they choose. This revered high school offers many classes and extracurricular activities for the student body to enjoy, as well as very exciting school events. The students who go to Caelbury Academy are very special in many regards. In order to enroll at this school, you must be one of two things: Extremely wealthy, or extremely gifted. There are many students who are both. The extremely wealthy students are often children of the CEOs of famous companies, famous politician or an athlete. The students who fit under the extremely gifted category might be a world-renown athlete, some sort of prodigy, or a genius. Only the people at the top of the social hierarchy are able to attend the prestigious Caelbury Academy. Up until now, Caelbury Academy had the philosophy of "Making great students greater, not mediocre students less mediocre." However, as more and more of the underdogs begin to become high-ranking, respected people, the school decided to let in some 'normal' students, people who weren't wealthy or particularly exceptional, offering scholarships to these normal students. Many families in the school were outraged at this innovation, some even going as far as pulling their children out of this school as a form of protest. Some believe that they should be kept separate from the "commoners", while others think that this is a wonderful opportunity to educate bright young minds who may be considered not as extraordinary. This is the first year that the two different social classes will merge into one school. Welcome to Caelbury Academy...[/i][/center] --- [b][i]Rules[/b][/i][list] [*]All Guild rules apply.[/*] [*]Swearing is allowed, but please keep it in moderation.[/*] [*]This is a [i]mid to high casual[/i] roleplay. At the bare minimum, please post [b]two[/b] paragraphs. Much more is preferred! That being said, quality over quantity, don’t add random things just to add length.[/*] [*]Don’t create a Mary Sue or a Marty Stu. Nobody is perfect, people must have flaws.[/*] [*]Use common sense and courtesy! We’re all friends here. Be polite, and no fights in the OOC.[/*] [*]Listen to what the GM says! Sixsmith and I are your benevolent gods… In this roleplay, at least.[/*] [*]Make sure that there are at least [b]three[/b] posts between your previous post before you post! (For those with multiple characters, you can post for one character after three posts between that same character's action. You can divide the posts up, and don't necessarily have to post with all of your characters at the same time. Did that make sense?)[/*] [*]As of right now, there is a character limit of five characters. This may be subject to change.[/*] [*]Let me know if you can’t post for a while, or if you’re dropping, or anything of that nature. I won’t bite your head off, I promise.[/*] [*]If you are inactive for a week without notice, your character will be struck through on the character roster. If you continue to be inactive after being struck through, your character(s) will be removed from the character roster after 7 more days. While you're welcome to come back, you must reapply. If your character is struck through, but you explain why you were unable to post, your character will not be removed from the roster, on the condition that you will post in the IC in the near future. Of course, this is a case-by-case and I understand that people have obligations outside of roleplaying. I'm very flexible about this, but I'm not going to let this roleplay die because someone randomly disappears.[/*] [*]You have to post in the OOC at least once in a while. It's no fun to roleplay with someone you barely know. Even if it's just to say "I'm ALIIIIVE", post in the OOC.[/*] [*]Have fun! This is a requirement. Seriously, why roleplay if you’re not having fun?[/*][/list] --- [b][i]Character Information[/b][/i] For your character sheet, please be detailed! Especially in the personality section, don’t just list off adjectives. Go into detail. Also, it would be much appreciated if you could underline, bolden, or do something to the CS skeleton to make it easier to read. You can add more to the CS skeleton if you’d like, but be sure to have the ones listed here! To submit a character, please PM both Sixsmith and Mizuho! Once you've been accepted, post it into the character depository. [hider=Student Character Sheet][b][u]Name:[/b][/u] [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] (Please use photographs of actual people.) [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] [b][u]Grade:[/b][/u] [b][u]Social Class:[/b][/u] (Of the four social classes, which one does your character fit under?) [b][u]Social Class Explanation:[/b][/u] (How does your character fit into that social class? For example, if s/he is gifted, how is s/he gifted?) [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] [b][u]History:[/b][/u] [b][u]Extracurricular Activities:[/b][/u] (Update as applicable. Not required.) [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Teacher Character Sheet][b][u]Name:[/b][/u] [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] (Please use photographs of actual people.) [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] [b][u]How long has your character been teaching at Caelbury Academy?:[/b][/u] (This can be inserted into the history.) [b][u]Social Class:[/b][/u] (Optional for teachers, not required) [b][u]Social Class Explanation:[/b][/u] (Only applicable if a social class is listed.) [b][u]Subject:[/b][/u] (What do you teach? If you wish to apply for a position such as the vice principal or a secretary, list it here.) [b][u]Why is your character teaching here?[/b][/u] (This can be inserted into the history or personality.) [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] [b][u]History:[/b][/u] [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Relationships]The relationship sheet will be updated as more characters are accepted. It’s optional to fill out, but explaining what your character thinks of others is a great way to start off, and get acquainted with everyone. [i]Optional, but highly recommended.[/i] [b][u]Acacia Hawthorne:[/b][/u] [b][u]Jacob Rockwell:[/b][/u] [b][u]Julie Scott:[/b][/u] [b][u]Max Wallenberg:[/b][/u] [b][u]Wren Sinclair:[/b][/u] [b][u]Eliza Herring:[/b][/u] [b][u]Alena Rurik:[/b][/u] [b][u]Alex Harrowling:[/b][/u] [b][u]Tomika Marias:[/b][/u] [b][u]Aoife Abbot:[/b][/u] [b][u]Jack Riley:[/b][/u] [b][u]Connor MacQuarrie:[/b][/u] [b][u]Silas Eberhardt:[/b][/u] [b][u]Brenden Aldrin:[/b][/u] [b][u]Hayden Hawthorne:[/b][/u] [b][u]Flynn Zimmerman:[/b][/u] [b][u]Alli Kendrick:[/b][/u] [b][u]Saul Kirschenzweig:[/b][/u] [b][u]Jaycen Pierce:[/b][/u] [b][u]Liam Matthews:[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-985494]Acacia Hawthorne[/url] - Mizuho [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-985505]Alli Kendrick[/url] - Mizuho [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1002431]Brenden Aldrin[/url] - Mizuho [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1103101]Arietta Rosetti[/url] - Mizuho [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-981002]Hayden Hawthorne[/url] - Sixsmith [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-981023]Flynn Zimmerman[/url] - Sixsmith [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-983083]Jaycen Pierce[/url] - Sixsmith [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-985348]Saul Kirschenzweig[/url] - Sixsmith [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1127406]Archer Perrot[/url] - Sixsmith [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1006016]Silas Eberhardt[/url] - Sixsmith [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-982809]Jacob Rockwell[/url] - MULTI_MEDIA_MAN [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-984651]Wren Sinclair[/url] - Chezka [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1005900]Jack Riley[/url] - Chezka [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-986456]Alena Rurik[/url] - Blazion [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-987225]Alex Harrowling[/url] - Insatiable [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1059529]Geoffrey Lenser[/url] - Insatiable [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-989980]Julie Scott[/url] - spooner [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-989980]Max Wallenberg[/url] - spooner [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-989980]Liam Matthews[/url] - spooner [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-990227]Tomika Marias[/url] - solaruin [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-999834]Aoife Abbot[/url] - NarcissisticPotato [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1059173]Luke Clark[/url] - NarcissisticPotato [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1002530]Eliza Herring[/url] - Ex [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33203/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1003887]Connor MacQuarrie[/url] - Ozerath[/hider] --- [b][i]School Information[/b][/i] [i]Established in 1875, we at Caelbury Academy are very proud of our rich history. Our founder, Charles Hawthorne started Caelbury Academy in hopes that the new generation will pave the path for a better country. Our goal at Caelbury is to provide not only an advanced educational curriculum, but to also broaden a student's horizon by introducing them to brand-new experiences. Alongside our academics, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities. We hope you enjoy your time here.[/i] [b][u]Students and Teachers[/b][/u] [hider=Students] [b]Freshman[/b] Arietta Rosetti [b]Sophomores[/b] Catherine Sinclair Tomika Marias Jack Riley Luke Clark Geoffrey Lenser [b]Juniors[/b] Julie Scott Alex Harrowling Aoife Abbot Connor MacQuarrie Silas Aberhardt [b]Seniors[/b] Acacia Hawthorne Jacob Rockwell Max Wallenberg Alena Rurik Eliza Herring [/hider] [hider=Teachers]Brenden Aldrin - Principal Hayden Hawthorne - Vice Principal Flynn Zimmerman - Ethics and Philosophy Alli Kendrick - History Saul Kirschenzweig - Theater Jaycen Pierce - Physical Education Liam Matthews - Psychology Archer Perrot - Economics, Government, Finance, Business Math, Sociology, Math[/hider] [u]The Social Hierarchy[/u] [hider=The Elite] The Elite group is considered to be at the top of the school. The people in this group are both gifted and wealthy. In a normal high school setting, they may be categorized as 'the popular' people, although they aren't exactly the same. Having the best of both worlds, the Elite are the ones who dominate school politics and are the most well-known. NOT ACCEPTING ANY MORE ELITES. [b][u]Elite Students:[/b][/u] Acacia Hawthorne, Wren Sinclair, Alena Rurik, Aoife Abbot[/hider] [hider=The Wealthy] The Wealthy are just that, people who come from wealthy families. Just because they're wealthy however, doesn't mean that they're necessarily good students (although this depends on the person). Most people who go to Caelbury Academy are in this category. The stereotype of this social class is this: The people in the Wealthy group are people that hide behind their parent's money, and are spoiled and conceited. Obviously this is just a stereotype, and this isn't true for everyone. however, the Wealthy group are the people that band together the most within their social group. [b][u]Wealthy Students[/b][/u] Max Wallenberg, Tomika Marias, Alex Harrowling, Eliza Herring, Geoffrey Lenser[/hider] [hider=The Gifted] The Gifted are considered more or less equals to the Wealthy. The Gifted people aren't always wealthy, and many come from middle-class families, but their exceptional talent has allowed them to get a scholarship to this school. On the other hand, the Gifted people tend to have at least some sort of money due to the attention that their extraordinary skill set has gotten them. As a whole, they have an ongoing rivalry going with the Wealthy crowd. The Gifted people are the group that stick together the least, considering that the people in this group may all be gifted, but they are all gifted in different ways. There may be an interest clash here and there. NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE GIFTED STUDENTS. [b][u]Gifted Students[/b][/u] Jacob Rockwell, Julie Scott, Silas Aberhardt, Arietta Rosetti[/hider] [hider=The Commoners] This is the newest social class in Caelbury Academy. The Commoners are considered the lowest social class. A Commoner is the person allowed into the Academy from the new policy of allowing more people into the school. People here are picked from a lottery drawing, filled with names of all of the applicants who were denied access to the school due to not being gifted or wealthy. This is the smallest social class, and they band together, almost as much as the Wealthy class, because they find comfort and support within each other. [b][u]Commoner Students[/b][/u] Jack Riley, Luke Clark [/hider] [b][u]School Grounds[/b][/u] Due to being a wealthy private school, Caelbury Academy has a lot of money to spend on it's campus! Everything is luxuriously furnished, and is guaranteed to grant the utmost comfort. The school always has room to expand, and is always looking to make itself better, so if you have any suggestions, please be sure to let a faculty member, or the Student Council know! [hider=The Main Building]The main building is where as a student or a teacher, you will spend a majority of your time. This is where all the classes take place, and during school hours, you will become well-acquainted with this building. Although it's large size and many rooms are intimidating at first, by the end of one semester, you'll be able to navigate the school blindfolded! (Okay, maybe not, but you know what I mean!) The Main Building is open until midnight, allowing everyone to access it after school. [b][u]So, what's in here besides classrooms?[/b][/u] [list][*]Four Computer Labs[/*][*]Two Large Libraries[/*][*]TwoGymnasiums[/*][*]A Gymnastics Stadium[/*][*]Amphitheater[/*][*]Dance Studio[/*][*]Auditorium[/*][*]A Buffet-Style Cafeteria[/*][/list][/hider] [hider=Rec Center]The Rec Center is often a popular place for students, especially athletes. This is where most of the athletic activities take place, but it's not limited to that! The Rec Center can become a social hub for everyone, it's a very enjoyable place. [b][u]What's at the Rec Center?[/b][/u] [list][*]Olympic-Sized Swimming Pool[/*][*]Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Courts[/*][*]Outdoor Football Stadium[/*][*]Outdoor Baseball Stadium[/*][*]Weight Rooms[/*][*]Gymnastics Stadium[/*][*]Ice Rink[/*][*]Indoor Climbing Walls[/*][/list][/hider] [hider=The Dorms]This is where students live during the school year, so be sure to keep it clean! Caelbury Academy's dorms are considered the equivalent to a high end hotel, (without the service, don't rely on other people too much!) and the best part: You can make it your own! So go ahead, decorate it, just make sure that your roommate is okay with it, and don't destroy anything. The dorms are co-ed, but the right wing is considered the girl's side, and the left wing is considered the boy's side. That being said, it is against the rules to have a member of the opposite gender in your room past midnight. The dorms include a large living room, two bedrooms (each with their own bathrooms), and a kitchen, if you want to make food.[/hider] [hider=Dorm Assignments][center][b]Dorm Buddies Four Loife[/b][/center] [center][img=http://media.tumblr.com/f7a8e4841552f6a2d4475db0ca009efb/tumblr_mfwugrxEdq1rd6r7uo1_500.gif][/center] --- [center][b][u][s]Testosterone Filled Sacks of Shits (Little Shitheads)[/s]Boys[/u][/b][/center] [center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/5394cd7f9e0a391be43a627200d5602f/tumblr_inline_n53tc5l7sS1rtpcz9.gif][/center] [center]Alex Harrowling - Jacob Blackwell[/center] [center]Connor MacJockSteroidsMeatHead - Silas Eberhardt[/center] [center]Jack Riley - Max Wallsandburgers[/center] --- [center][b][u]Gals[/u][/b][/center] [center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/e854ef79008dae3f8da4868b5e757b0e/tumblr_inline_n5kbr8Hr1T1sv49sn.gif][/center] [center]Malicia Palistar - Tomika Marias[/center] [center]Aoife Abbot - Alena Rurik[/center] [center]Eliza Herring - Acacia Hawthorne[/center] [center]Wren Sinclair - Julie Scott[/center] --- [center][b]And Please Remember:[/b][/center] [center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/f32bcfe6fc1ef458dba0e444b45c1fbf/tumblr_inline_n4vf9y3ehG1rwyrmm.gif][/center][/hider] [u]Programs[/u] Many advanced courses are available for a student to take advantage of. Our teachers strive to challenge every student at their appropriate level. Some academic programs offered include Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Middle Years Programme, and College in Schools. Other programs are also offered to aid students in their future endeavors. [hider=Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC)]The MJCROTC program serves as a guide to students who wish to become better people, leaders, and members of society in general. No obligation to the military exists within the program, though there is a promotion offered to those who complete several years then enlist. The course teaches various subjects, including ethics, etiquette, military history, some basic practical skills, and leadership advice. Students wear a Marine Corps service uniform once a week (on Wednesdays), overriding the school's uniform. All members of the program are expected to follow all school and program rules at ALL times, and failure to do so will be met with consequences in accordance with the transgression. When in uniform, cadets are prohibited from making public displays of affection, and must adhere to Marine Corps grooming standards. Promotions are granted to students who do what is expected of them twice a year, until the Cadet Sergeant rank, whereupon more action is required than simply showing up to class and not breaking rules. Cadet Officer ranks are granted to those cadets who stand out among their peers. Cadets are obligated to obey orders of their superiors. The Cadet Commanding Officer is responsible for the behavior and punishment of cadets who have committed minor transgressions. More severe issues will be handled by the MI or SMI. [b][u]Program/Course Teacher (SMI):[/b][/u] Saul Kirschenzweig [b][u]Marine Instructor (MI):[/b][/u] Marine Corps NPC [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u] The MCJROTC performs many extracurricular activities, and often engages in school trips.[/hider] [u]Extracurricular Activities[/u] Caelbury Academy offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities, and encourages students to participate in them, as well as create their own. There's no limit to how many extracurricular activities you can take part in, but be sure to manage your time wisely! If you would like to start your own club, please fill out the Club Creation Outline and either post it in the OOC, or PM it to me. Instead of starting of club, you would like to suggest one, just let me know! [hider=Club Creation Outline][b][u]Club Name:[/b][/u] [b][u]Club Description:[/b][/u] (Just a paragraph or two is fine.) [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] (Since we don't have many teachers at the moment, it can be an NPC. If you would like to ask a teacher to be the consultant, make sure to get approval!) [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/hider] [b]Sports[/b] Caelbury Academy isn't just about academics, we pride ourselves in our athletic department as well. We offer a variety of sports to fit every student's unique athletic ability, and strive to incorporate any sports that a student will want to participate in. Our sports teams do well in competitions as well! [hider=Offered Sports][list][*]Football[/*][*]Soccer[/*][*]Basketball[/*][*]Tennis[/*][*]Badminton[/*][*]Swimming[/*][*]Diving[/*][*]Synchronized Swimming[/*][*]Water Polo[/*][*]Polo[/*][*]Rowing[/*] - Captain: Max Wallenberg[*]Figure Skating[/*][*]Speed Skating[/*][*]Hockey[/*][*]Volleyball[/*][*]Cheerleading[/*][*]Fencing[/*][/list] This list is incomplete! If you would like to add a sport, just shout it out.[/hider] [b]Existing Clubs[/b] [hider=Student Council]The Student Council consists of elected student leaders, all of them being approved by students and teachers alike. The Student Council is considered the voice of the students, the messengers of the teachers. They're responsible for most of the school events, and strive to make Caelbury Academy a better place for everyone. If a student has a concern they would like to address, they usually approach a member of the Student Council about it, and they bring it to the teacher's attention. If the teachers have an announcement or something, Student Council is there to offer their opinion, and to pass it on to the student body. [b][u]Positions:[/b][/u] [b]President:[/b] Acacia Hawthorne [b]Vice President:[/b] Open (Must be a junior) [b]Secretary:[/b] Eliza Herring [b]Treasurer:[/b] Max Wallenberg [b]Scheduling Officer:[/b] Open [b]Communications Officer:[/b] Open [b]Communications Officer:[/b] Open [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] TBD[/hider] [hider=Airsoft Club]The airsoft club is a club created by Jacob Rockwell in his second year at Caelbury. The club meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM, and only one weekly attendance is required, though it is recommended to attend both weekly meetings if possible. Club activities include strategy discussion, discussion weapons as well as attachments and customizations, and general discussion of the game. Once every other Saturday, Jacob leads unofficial trips to the local indoor airsoft arena for games. Occasionally, they participate in larger, official outings to a further yet larger 40-acre (about 1/4 mile square) outdoor arena for large-scale games. Players are encouraged to accurately report their 'kills' and 'deaths' after each outing, though this is primarily for tracking personal progress. [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] TBD/NPC President: Jacob Rockwell VP: Open (Junior) Secretary: Open Treasurer: Open[/hider] [hider=International Committee] Also known as IntCom, The International Committee is a group of volunteer students who aims to aid the international students during their stay at Caelbury Academy. The main focus of the committee is to help the international students to feel more at home at the academy. IntCom arranges the mentorship program which means that the members of IntCom takes care of one international student each, and shows him/her around and be available to answer any question they might have. IntCom also try to arrange different activities together with the other student clubs so that the International students get to know the local students and fit in easier. This could range from international dinners to Halloween parties. [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] TBD/NPC Vice President: Julie Scott[/hider] [hider=Room For Tolerance: Anti-Bullying and Anti-Discrimination club]It started out as a safe haven for various LGBT students, and it's still considered that, but it now caters and helps give an outlet to all students who feel threatened or discriminated in general. The club's intent, so far, is to provide these students with a place to discuss whatever they need to, regardless of what it is or what it pertains to. A lot of the students who participate find it a great place to vent their frustrations, whether they be bullied, (of which their consultant gladly takes care of), their parents, or even teachers (most of which are just general frustrations, such as bad grades or tedious workloads). It's also a place for said students to find connections and make friends who are in the same situation, more or less, that they are in. Students are encouraged to make their own events, host their own get togethers on campus, and make sure to spread the word of tolerance and anti-bullying around the school grounds. There are a vast amount of things to do and outlets to gather help and sympathy within the club itself. [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] Hayden Hawthorne [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u] -Club meetings are held every Monday and Friday after school. Any events that take place will be posted on the event calender just outside of Mr. Hawthorne's office and on the bulletin board inside the club meeting room, which, as of now, is Mr. Zimmerman's classroom, since he was kind enough to offer. (And because I want his cat, Oedipus, to be the club's mascot. @_@) -Speaking of club mascot, Oedipus is trusted in the hands of Mr. Hawthorne until the meetings are finished and should the cat be harmed in any way, Mr. Zimmerman will make sure he pays for his irresponsibility.[/hider] [hider=Aeronautics and Space Club]Where all your space needs come to fruition! The class itself takes place on Tuesday and Saturday nights, or any night that has a clear and open sky. Having worked for NASA, Hawthorne has a good grasp on various things pertaining to space and will often give the group a topic to discuss that night, if nothing is planned or if the skies aren't clear enough for stargazing. He usually plans star gazing events—telescopes are included, as is food and drinks—once every two weeks, as an outing and treat or the students. For the more math and science oriented kids, he often gives them academic work and work he himself has had to complete through his years as a scientist and engineer. Once every year, he schedules a field trip to the nearest planetarium (depending on where Caelbury is, though I want him to go to the Hayden Planetarium 'cause funny) where the students are left to their own devices to further their grasp on space and the universe. Every year, he gives the students who sign up for the club a novel to read, that novel being one of his favorites: the whole entire compendium of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Just for kicks. However, he does let his students plan out events for themselves, since he isn't technically the club's president or an officer, for that matter. He simply gives them guidelines and ideas and provides a well of knowledge for them to be thoroughly fascinated. They do all kinds of stuff from rudimentary building of a tiny solar system (more art oriented), to solving vast equations pertaining to interesting phenomena occurring in science news lately, though the latter is purely up to the student to participate in. He understand that some of the people who join the club aren't pure and utter geniuses and leaves that up to the officers to plan accordingly. [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] Hayden Hawthorne — he has a lot on his plate[/hider] [hider=Robotics Club]Just as the name describes. This particular club is designed purely for those who have a knack for building robots, and even those who simply just show an interest in the science around it, and especially those who want to just make something badass to do some cool shit. It's situated on Wednesday's and Thursday's after school. The club is provided with all the parts and devices that they could possibly need through the school's own funding, and partly out of the Mr. Hawthorne's bank account. A group project is always posted at the beginning of the year, a very complex and tough challenge for the club to work together on (though sometimes he likes to make it a competition), but it isn't something they work on over the course of the whole year. Students are encouraged to enter robots they design into competitions, where the club is usually scheduled to go to, but are not limited to just competitions scheduled throughout the school year. Of course, students are also encouraged to build whatever their hearts desire purely out of leisure and fun. No one is going to judge you for the work you accomplish unless you personally ask for serious critique. Mr. Hawthorne is there to help and guide students through complications they find whilst building and engineering and encourages students to come to him whenever they can for further help. It's a fun club designed to give engineering minds and people who are simply interested in building or robots in general an outlet to let their creativity and ingenuity shine. [b][u]Teacher Consultant:[/b][/u] Hayden Hawthorne — he's really stretchin' himself thin here.[/hider] [hider=Drama Board]There isn't necessarily a Drama Club at Caelbury, instead, there's the Drama Board. The Drama Board consists of students who essentially run a production, such as a director. These students are in charge of a production that takes place during the school year. The first batch of the Drama Board members are determined by Ms. Kendrick and the Student Council. Then the second group of members are chosen by the previous drama board members with Mr. Kirschenzweig as their adviser. This way, the Drama Board isn't monopolized by the same members. If there are no new members to fill a slot, or to apply, the existing drama board shuffles positions. The reason why there is a Drama Board, but not a Drama Club is because plays and such would be done within the Drama Club members, while if there is a Drama Board, everyone is welcome to audition. Another notable thing about the productions at Caelbury is this: If you have received a lead role in a school production once, you are not going to have the lead role again in another production for the current school year. [b][u]Positions:[/b][/u] Director: Assistant Director: Stage Manager: Assistant Stage Manager: Tech Manager: Assistant Tech Manager: Costumes and Make-up Head: [b][u]Teacher Consultants:[/b][/u] Saul Kirschenzweig[/hider] --- This OOC is still a WIP! More information will be added over time, so check back!