[hider=Acacia Hawthorne][center][img]http://images6.alphacoders.com/447/447148.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][u]Name[/b][/u] Acacia Hawthorne[/center] [center][b][u]Appearance[/b][/u] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/205/e/d/emily_rudd_by_gabbs212-d58ihby.jpg[/img][/center] Acacia is often considered a beauty, receiving the genes of the attractive Hawthorne family. Standing at a mere 5’2”, she is usually unable to see over people’s heads, or finds it necessary to climb upon something to grab an object that’s beyond her reach. Her dark hair is often simply let loose, flowing down as it pleases. At times she will tie her hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of her way, or even style it if she feels like experimenting. Acacia’s striking blue eyes reflect warmth and enthusiasm. It’s said that the eyes are the windows to one’s soul, but Acacia has mastered the art of the poker face, and only the people truly close to her may be able to tell when she’s feeling a negative emotion. Perhaps not even then. As the Student Council President, Acacia is expected to follow school rules and such, and she does so without hesitation. She’s usually seen wearing her uniform, not tweaking anything about it like some rebellious students do. [center][b][u]Age[/b][/u] 17 [b][u]Grade[/b][/u] Senior [b][u]Social Class[/b][/u] Elite [b][u]Social Class Explanation[/b][/u][/center] Acacia Hawthorne is a genius, with her IQ hovering somewhere around 190-200. She is very well-rounded, and is rather successful at any of her endeavors. She is a part of the famous Hawthorne family. The Hawthorne family owns Hawthorne Corporations--which is a very successful business--and is also the founder of Caelbury Academy, back in 1875. --- [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/mal6ZJX.jpg[/IMG] --- [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] [i]”To be or not to be. That is the question.” ~Hamlet[/i][/center] Perfection. This is the one word that Acacia’s life revolved around, ever since she was a child. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Acacia Hawthorne is perfect--after all, isn’t perfection impossible?--but she comes pretty darn close. She’s a perfectionist. Her entire life is dedicated to being as close to perfect as she can. Anything less than perfection isn’t acceptable, that’s the lesson she had learned. Acacia’s very presence is rather striking, with a bright, shining aura. Carrying herself with an air of confidence, she is usually seen with a gentle smile upon her lips. She seldom goes unnoticed, drawing attention to herself the moment she enters the room. There’s just something about Acacia that brightens up the atmosphere, causing smiles to appear whenever she’s around. The fact that she’s not hard on the eyes attracts lingering gazes at times as well. There isn’t a person in the school who doesn’t know of Acacia. She’s very involved in the school, such as partaking in the Student Council, helping out teachers, and getting to know everyone. Most of the rumors about her are good, due to the fact that there’s simply not much to complain about. She strives to be kind to everyone, to treat everyone the same way regardless of social class. The image she maintains is perfection, not having any holes. She is skilled at feigning nonchalance, and often suppresses her actual emotions. Nobody has ever really seen Acacia express anger, although that doesn’t mean that she never feels angry. She has found that bottling up her feelings ends up with things moving more smoothly, and it also allows her to get along amicably with her parents and peers. Due to her being in the Elite social class, perhaps some people would expect her to be snobby, or conceited. However, once getting to know her a bit, one will discover that she’s actually very humble about herself, often underestimating her own capabilities. People may believe that her being humble is just out of politeness, but that’s not the case. Acacia has very low self-esteem, and an inferiority complex. She can’t get out of the mindset that she’s not good enough, and nothing she does will ever be good enough. This stems from her childhood, and the high expectations that have been placed for her, even as an infant. Underneath her radiant outer shell, she conceals insecurity, doubt, and pain. Even though she seems confident of what she does, almost every single little action is plagued by self doubt. Everything she does is for the sole purpose of making sure that’s she’s not disliked by anyone. Maintaining her perfect image is what’s saving her from extreme depression. So that’s what she does. Even then, she is most likely very close to the point of snapping. She polishes herself to who she wants to be, projecting herself as a confident, young leader with potential, hiding her cowardice, her inability to face who she truly is. Acacia lost sight of who she was at a young age, sacrificing her individuality and uniqueness in the hopes of being accepted. Her biggest fear is being found out that she’s not who she pretends to be, yet it’s also what she craves the most. Acacia is very perceptive, able to see every little detail and tiny little clues that are often overlooked. She has learned to judge people’s reactions, and look past their outer shell to perceive what they’re truly feeling. This is partially to survive in the world she lives in, and also partially because that’s what she wants, more than anything in the world: To be understood, and accepted for who she truly is. However, she’s too terrified of letting people down, to let down her guard. [i]”The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.”[/i] --- [center][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/5/5f/Sweet_Emily_Rudd_400x400_scaled_cropp.jpg[/img] --- [b][u]History[/b][/u] [i]”Step follows step, hope follows courage. Set your face towards danger, set your heart on victory” ~The Two Princesses of Bamarre[/i][/center] Acacia Hawthorne was born to the revered Hawthorne family. Due to her family’s fame, ever since she was a baby she was in the spotlight. Almost every aspect of her life became public, and at a very young age, Acacia learned that mistakes were not to be tolerated. Every time she messed up, she was met with disapproving looks from her parents, and the media exaggerated them. Adapting quickly, she became a perfectionist, making sure that whatever she did was flawless. Most children grow up with love and nurturing parents. Many parents believe that their child is the most amazing in the entire world, for better or for worse. However, Acacia’s parents were different. Being the youngest child, her older siblings have already began to make a name for themselves. The Hawthorne family didn’t accept anything less than extraordinary. Due to the actions of the brilliant older Hawthorne children, the already high expectations were raised even higher for Acacia. In order to coax a single approving nod from her stoic father, Acacia was forced to work even harder than everyone else had to. Her home life was far from stable. Both of her parents were rather absent from raising their youngest daughter, both of them focusing much more on their careers. Acacia was mostly raised by her older siblings, and much of her insecurities developed here. Why weren’t mom and dad there for her? Why didn’t they compliment her when she drew them an amazing picture? Was she not good enough for them? It became her goal in life to prove herself to her parents, to make them proud of her. So far in life, she has been unsuccessful in that endeavor, despite her exceptional skill sets. Even when she skipped a grade, she barely got a smile from her parents. Her family founded Caelbury Academy, and it only made sense for Acacia to enroll there, following the footsteps of everyone before her. Not only did her family have enough money, she had the qualities of a gifted person that the school valued so much. Acacia had no say in what high school she went to, and presumably no say in what college she will eventually attend, and she kept her mouth shut about this fact, going to Caelbury without complaint. Once she became a freshman at this school, Acacia quickly made her way up the social ladder. Not only was she already part of the Elites, her charisma and charm also ensured her popularity. Even though she was a year younger than her classmates, she was well liked. Eventually, she became a part of the Student Council, achieving the rank of vice president in her Junior year, and the president in her senior year. Her goals in life haven’t changed, or rather, the lack of goals. The only thing she wants is approval, and she’s willing to sacrifice her own dreams for that. --- [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/b5b2b50449d6ee2015cf19b8c7358faf/tumblr_mtxbskreR71qc99r2o1_r2_400.gif[/img][/center] --- [b][u]Extracurricular Activities[/b][/u] Acacia is the President of the Student Council. [b][u]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] --Acacia is an avid figure skater. --She’s terrified of bugs. --Acacia skipped first grade --Acacia has achieved many impressive accomplishments. But did her parents care? No. --[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/13088/posts/ooc?page=48#post-365658]Acacia in-depth[/url] --- [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/7b06058c5516fccc9cce1fd96e2c1ed9/tumblr_inline_mnc4wup7Zs1rcheh4.gif[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Relationship Sheet] [b][u]Acacia Hawthorne[/b][/u] [i]“Every time I see her, it’s just like looking into a mirror! Hahaha!”[/i] There’s no one that Acacia despises more than herself. And she absolutely detests that fact. She’s privileged, she’s smart, she has money… She’s living the dream life! She appreciates it, she really does… But she would have traded it all in a heartbeat for a normal life, and she’s disgusted that she’s not happy, even though people want to be her. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence, after all. [b][u]Brenden Aldrin[/b][/u] [i]”Ah yes, the new principal. He doesn’t seem like the type to accept this job, or even get an offer to be the principal of Caelbury--No offense, really!--but I think he’ll do a really great job. With all of the stuffy, clique-y stuff going on around here, it’ll be refreshing to have a principal with a sense of humor. And more importantly, I think I caught my brother eyeing him! Hayden has a crush~”[/i] To say that Acacia was surprised when she met Brenden is an understatement. He looked so normal, so laid back, so… Easy to get along with. In Acacia’s experience, that’s not the kind of person that becomes a principal. She’s eager to get the school year started, to see what Principal Aldrin can do. On a different note, after seeing Hayden so obviously smitten by this newcomer the moment he laid eyes upon him, (Oh, it wasn’t obvious? Well, it was to Acacia.) she thinks that they would really work well. [s]She now presumably ships “Brayden”, and will write fanfiction about them…[/s] Oh wait, that’s just me, not Acacia. Not to mention, it’s kinda creepy. [b][u]Hayden Hawthorne[/b][/u] [i]”Is it weird to have my older brother as the vice principal? Yes, obviously. But it’s kind of nice too, you always know that someone is there for you. I think he scares some people off though, haha! Also, he is [u]not[/u] my father! Come on guys, he’s only nineteen years older than me. I mean, yeah that’s quite the age difference, but what can I say? Mother and father were busy. ...I should not have said that. Oh God…”[/i] Hayden is possibly one of the only people that Acacia trusts absolutely. Despite him being the oldest Hawthorne child, and she the youngest, they’ve always had a special bond, different than any of the relationships she has with her 10+ siblings. He’s such a reassuring presence to her, someone she doesn’t necessarily have to put on her strong face for--but she does anyway. Her older brother is an inspiration to Acacia as well, considering the fact that he went against Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne’s wishes, and found happiness. Acacia is such a good sister, she knows of his love for sweet, sugary things, so she often leaves homemade cookies, or other treats upon his desk. [b][u]Flynn Zimmerman[/b][/u] [i]”Mr. Zimmerman is such an enigma, even after knowing him during my high school life, I still feel that I don’t know anything about him. Oedipus is such an odd name for a cat though, I hope he doesn’t have any students named Antigone…”[/i] He intrigues Acacia endlessly, and she can’t help but wonder what goes on in that mind of his. To her, he seems that he’s living in his own world, distanced from the mundane life that exists within Caelbury Academy. Flynn has found peace within himself, and the Student Council President is very envious of that fact. [b][u]Jacob Rockwell[/b][/u] [i]”Mr. Commanding Officer, eh? He’s a great fit for that position. His understanding of physics and mathematics are incredible. I can talk to him about stuff like that without sounding like a pretentious show-offy snob, so that’s always great!”[/i] Acacia can understand Jacob so well, it hurts. Seeing him while he was depressed, but hiding it, resonated deeply with her. After all, isn’t she doing the exact same thing? She had attempted to extend a helping hand, but Acacia has no idea how effective that was. Despite the obvious trauma, it’s apparent that he’s trying to make the best out of life--that’s why she considers him stronger than her. [b][u]Julie Scott[/b][/u] [i]”How does she know so many languages?! It’s my goal to be able to speak five languages, and she’s got like… at least ten right now. Haha, I feel like I’m underachieving. Anyways, Julie is so sweet, and is definitely a hard worker. I hope to get to know her better this year!”[/i] Acacia has always been extremely sensitive to how people react to her wealth, and she senses that Julie is a tad uncomfortable being around people who are multimillionaires. Not that she can blame her, it is kind of intimidating. She definitely wants to become better friends with Julie, Acacia has always enjoyed spending time with her. [b][u]Max Wallenberg[/b][/u] [i]”I see him a lot, since we’re both in Student Council. He’s pretty fun to talk to, he has a lot of conversation topics. Maybe I’ll ask him to recommend a book to me.”[/i] The way he carries himself isn’t your normal rich kid. His actions, preferences, are all a little… strange compared to his peers. That’s pretty interesting to Acacia, and she loves listening to him and his writing. Even though he’s not having the easiest time with it, Acacia will always be there to edit, offer ideas, and give critique--all on the condition that he’ll be the first one to give an autograph to. [b][u]Saul Kirschenzweig[/b][/u] [i]"He's definitely one of the stricter teachers at Caelbury, and I think we need that, since many of our teachers are so laid back. I've heard that he was amazing when he was an actor, and I definitely believe it. You don't get critique like that unless it's from a truly seasoned actor."[/i] Even the perfect Acacia Hawthorne has a little trouble pleasing the theater teacher. She's not bad at acting by any means--in fact her skill in lying gets her to an 'above average' level. After years and years of harsh critique from her parents (often without any positive feedback), Acacia is used to Saul's blunt nature, and it doesn't bother her at all. She's definitely not a person who cries in his class. As a Hawthorne, Acacia is used to be treated differently by some teachers, but she appreciates the fact that Saul doesn't. [b][u]Wren Sinclair[/b][/u] [i]"You know, I wonder if she's ever met my sister, Mikaela. Mikaela is an actress too. I should ask her about that sometimes. Anyways, Wren is such a sweetheart. She's so young, but she's already making a name for herself too. I'm really proud of her, and I'm honored to be able to call her one of my closest friends. She's like my little sister!"[/i] Like Wren, Acacia grew up in the spotlight, under the judging stares of strangers. She understands what the younger girl is going through, and also deals with the intense pressure placed upon them. Wren reminds Acacia of herself, and that's not necessarily a good thing. She's seen how the actress stresses herself out, or how she reconstructs herself for her fans. Acacia knows the consequences of that since she's dealing with them at the moment, and she hopes that Wren realizes that she can't please everyone, and should just be herself. Hypocritical much, Acacia? Well, Acacia's always been good at giving advice, but she's always terrible at following them. [b][u]Eliza Herring[/b][/u] [i]"That stuck up little--Haha okay, you got me. Eliza is amazing, and I don't know what I'd do without her. Especially in Student Council. If she didn't organize my crazy ideas, nothing would get done!"[/i] Each of Acacia's three best friends have a different role in her life. Acacia can be a little more relaxed and daring with Rayne, she can be the older sister and fuss over Wren, but Eliza is the one that understands Acacia the most outside of her siblings. Having grown up in a very similar environment, Acacia and Eliza are rather similar in nature. However, there's a fundamental difference between the two that separates them: Eliza is much, much stronger than Acacia. It's a quality that Acacia envies.[/hider]