[B]Name:[/B] Rave Friendenburg [B]Age:[/B] 36 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Height:[/B] 6'1'' [B]Weight:[/B] 152 [B]Bodytype:[/B] Scrawny [B]Appearance:[/B] [hider=My Drawing][img] http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/040/4/f/rave1_by_theimportantman-d74puwu.png[/img][/hider] Yes, he's wearing bunny slippers in that image. If he goes outdoors he sometimes switches to old tennis shoes. [B]Personality:[/B] Few know what he was truly like while working among the shadows. After suffering from amnesia, and as a result loosing sight of his original motivations, his personality has changed. He has remained a very intelligent mad scientist but is now scatterbrained. He struggles to focus on anything complicated in a serious manner for very long, resulting in what was originally a clever idea might end up leaving a lot to be desired with the final product by venturing off into the loony bin or just not working out as planned. He's also prone to forgetting stuff that he doesn't bother remembering such as where he left his pens, causing him to lose hundreds of pens over the years and he never learns his lesson. Any attempts to find the huge stash of missing pens around his large and complex laboratory has been futile. He's an incredibly carefree guy who only does things if they interest him or sometimes on a whim. Therefore he never sticks to any long term goals, preferring short bursts of fun evil doing to cease his boredom. This enjoyment is what drives him more then the goals themselves, so if one of his plans is in jeopardy but the result can be more interesting then his original plan then he might allow it to fail. He'd even go so far as to watch enemies sneak around in his base without alerting anyone in order to see what would become of this development. If he really wants something done, however, then he's capable of being more serious about it. [B][u]Abilities[/u][/B] [b]Mad Scientist-[/b] He's very intelligent, although due to his condition he's limited from what he was in the past, originally being one of the smartest people in existence. His fields of study involve science, math, and robotics. Chemistry often causes him to blow stuff up but he does have the basic knowledge. Basically, he'll be able to know stuff that I have to check Wikipedia to figure out. [b]Observation-[/b] He can see fine details that others might miss. [b]Resourcefulness-[/b] Able to make the most of his situation. [b]Weapon training-[/b] If he has a weapon listed in his equipment then he's obviously put some training in how to properly use it. However, he wouldn't put as much effort into it as a master swordsman would his sword. [b]Judge of character-[/b] Can more easily then a lot of people find out if people are lying or other qualities about them that could possibly show through. He's equivalent to Sherlock Holmes, at least until his scatterbrain takes effect. [B]Equipment[/B] [b]Weapons:[/b] Unless otherwise stated, all of his weapons are made out of a material he calls mysteriotanium that's similar to steel in strength but is 80% lighter. [b]Waffleblade-[/b] This is a waffle iron modified to become a weapon. The handle is 2 feet and the part that opens up is 2 feet. If a button on the handle is held down the inside of the weapon can heat up to waffle burning temperatures in 10 seconds flat and set itself on fire in 20 seconds. The jaws can snap down on something with the bit force of an alligator. [b]Umbrellamill-[/b] Like an umbrella but the top part has a hole in the middle for what looks like helicopter blades to spin inside. It can provide enough energy to lift him for up to 5 seconds at a time and must wait 5 minutes per activation. He can hold it horizontally and set it to two different modes; blowing things outwards or sucking things inwards to possibly be chopped up by the blades. The force of the effect is the very same that's enough to lift someone of his weight into the air as per it's original function. [b]Zapperbolt Dispenser Deluxe (Otherwise called the ZDD device)- [/b] Looks kind of like [url= http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120126191735/halo/images/c/c8/Type-52_Plasma_Cannon-transparent.png]this[/url]. It has three main ways of shooting off it's light blue colored energy: rapid fire, cannon, and sniper cannon. Changing modes requires 5 seconds. The first mode is hand held and once activated envelops his wrist, stopping wrist movement. It fires energy balls as damaging as normal bullets with a fire rate of 5 bullets a second if the trigger is held down. He can only fire 50 shots in this mode before he must reload or recharge. Recharging requires 30 seconds a bullet. The cannon mode extends the gun backwards so that it envelops his elbow as well, causing him not to be able to bend his arm and if he doesn't brace himself against something then he'll be send flying back with every shot. Shooting in this mode requires a 5 second charge and a 20 second cool down, but it's power is upgraded to that of rocket launcher and the sphere it shoots is as big as a watermelon. He can only fire 5 shots in this mode before he must reload or recharge. The sniper cannon mode envelops his shoulder as well, the barrel extends out another 5 feet, and two stands come out of the device to brace itself on the ground on both sides of it. This requires a full 60 seconds of charge and 5 minutes of cooldown but does incredible damage over long distances. This move uses up his entire ammunition, so if he's used some of the ammo already then it will weaken the effect of this attack by a bit. Logically, if he's down to enough to fire a single normal bullet then that's all this would do even after the 60 second charge. If at any point in both cannon modes the weapon takes enough damage then it will ruin the charge and possibly even explode the device. (weapon locked from stealing) [b]Bubbsy and Clide-[/b] Two tier 1 robots that came with him from his days before he suffered from amnesia, although their memory banks don't provide any useful data from that time. Bubbsy can best be described as a box with tank wheels about the size of a cat and has a video camera on the front. Clide is like a toy quadcopter. Both can do surveillance, feeding their observations into special goggles Rave wears, Bubbsy on the left eye and Clide on the right. They can both deliver electric shocks at short range, although this is a suicide attack that fries their system. Don't fear for these brave robots, however, as their A.I. is backed up on a computer in a safe location. Bubbsy tends to be more timid then Clide if left to their own devices, but both will do as ordered by Rave. [B][u]Equipment[/u][/B] [b]Head-[/b] Goggles- Can receive data from Bubbsy and Clide as well as just act as normal, night vision, or heat vision goggles. [b]Body-[/b] Lab coat- It's fibers are about the strength of iron and can cloak itself to his environment, an effect able to last 5 minutes on a 5 hour solar powered charge time. It can cover his entire body for best cloaking but most of the time is just worn like a simple lab coat. [b]Other-[/b] Benefit Syringe- He has three of these blue colored syringes. They boost his physical abilities threefold for 30 seconds each. [B][u]Bio[/u][/B] Rave's past has been largely forgotten due to a self inflicted case of amnesia caused by one of his own inventions, intentionally or otherwise unknown even to him. At the time he had become one of the greatest evil geniuses in the multiverse. Even so there was still not much was known about him besides the legends, and some claim he never even existed at all, or was perhaps an entire team of scientists working together. He interacted with others only from the shadows, so there are no known people who know of his identity or have met him in person with the knowledge of who he was. The action most attributed to him is helping lead a robotic army of I.L.L. (Interdimensional Liberation Legion), which is responsible for being at war with many nations around the multiverse who they believe are abusing their power. I.L.L.'s end goal might be admirable to eliminate all corrupt governments, but their means to such an end and key members who have other goals in mind leave the organization far from heroic. Rave is rumored to have little true allegiance to I.L.L. or any other group for that matter, simply using them for his scientific research and curiosity with an end goal of achieving some so called "ultimate discovery". Had he achieved such a feat then he probably would have become as powerful as a god, but as it turns out that would not come to pass, at least for now, as the amnesia kicked in and with it erased all progress towards that goal. He had to start practically from scratch as a now scatterbrained individual with just flashes of inspiration to go by when trying to rebuild his past creations, most of which had been lost to him for some odd reason. Even with his new handicap he is still a talented mad scientist, just without his previous drive to use his intelligence to it's maximum potential. He now builds things more on whims and interests, having lost sight of the ultimate discovery and the sizeable funding of I.L.L., going off the radar with them and considered to be dead or missing. As of late he's operating on a much smaller scale, holding hostage certain places in order to get supplies or other illegal acts. It's important to note that something else important happened to him after the amnesia but doesn't quite fit into this tale. His timeline diverged due to another out of control experiment, causing an alternate reality version of himself to come into existence who calls himself the Cubist. The two realities of him never crossed paths as of now despite Rave's attempts to do so upon finding out about this anomaly. Perhaps this knowledge inspired him to create another of himself called Robo-Rave, but this left a lot to be desired.