[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/Will600145478.jpg] Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini 58 years old 26/11/1086 He has always been a kind wizard, so kind that woodland creatures will approach him. Kristoforo met his future wife Valora when she was training in order to become a knight by practicing her skills in the forest. Kristoforo had been a young 23 year old man who was wandering around playing with cute deer, birds, raccoon, squirrels, and other animals when he mistakenly ventured near a bear cave. The bear, angered at his trespassing, began to chase Kristoforo. Kristoforo does not have it in him to harm another creature no matter how vicious they are chasing him, so he ran for his life until he fortunately came across Valora. Valora knocked out the bear with her bare hands, needing only one punch to make it unconscious. Thankful for her help, he offered to repay her to show his gratitude, but she left without Krisotoforo being able to repay his debt. He spent the next few days constantly trying to give her things and inviting her places to properly show his thanks, but she always refused him. It wasn't until he offered to be her training dummy that she finally agreed. Through B L O O D A N D T E A R S, mostly Kristoforo's blood and tears, they bonded and formed a genuine friendship. Kristoforo trained with her for seven years until she finally became a young knight. Valora was incredibly grateful for his help and during those seven years she had fell in love with him and proposed to Kristoforo. She offered him a necklace made of claws that she removed from the bear that attacked him all those years ago. He hastily accepted her proposal and they were married a few months later. He changed his name to Valentiano and they had three children together: Valhero, Valexander, and Valalee. [/center]