DADA: Granger, Hermione Potions: Slughorn, Horace History of Magic: Binns ,Cutburt Charms: Weasly, Fred Lunch Transfiguration: McGonnagall, Minerva Magical Creatures: Lovegood, Luna ~~~ Sky found herself waking up in the windowsill instead of her own bed. The window was cracked slightly allowing a light breeze to lift the ends of her hair and blow them around, as if they were alive. With a groan she slid down to the floor and stretched before picking up what she knew to be her schedule. It was simple enough for her to remember, having been with many of the same teachers for years. Walking over to the wall, Sky looked at her reflection with a frown. Under her eyes were dark semi-circles that people weren't expecting to see until tests began. With a sigh she grabbed a small tube from her luggage and slathered the substance over the bags until they disappeared. "Thanks mom." She mumbled sleepily as the home remedy her mother had concocted erased the evidence of a long night. When she had arrived at the Headmaster's office, she hadn't found Harry, nor any sign of the map she had been sent to steal. It aggravated her but she had quickly returned back to her room where she spent most of the night thinking. She drew up many theories as to where the object might have been hidden, then individualized plans for each of the possibilities. To give her mind a break she had climbed up into the windowsill to watch the stars, which had been the last thing she remembered before waking up. Looking around, Sky noticed that she left alone. Most of the Ravenclaw house had a habit of rising early and studying late, the first day of classes proved to be no different. She didn't seem too concerned about running behind, especially when her first class of the day was taught by Professor Granger. From what she knew about the girl, she was Gryffindor in her days but had the brain of a Ravenclaw. She doubted that being late would cause much of a problem as long as she knew the answers to her questions. As soon as her tie was in place, Sky grabbed her bag of textbooks and walked out the door of Ravenclaw Commons towards the Great Hall.