Doctor and Miranda From the 1x1 RP Doctor Who: The Multiverse with Magic 223. [url=] [b]Characters[/b] [hider=Doctor] [img=] Set in Universe 2, the Doctor stays up in his cloud ignoring the rest of the world. The loss of Amy and Rory just to much to bare, he has decided to "retire" and let others sort things out themselves. [/hider] [hider=Miranda Taylor] [img=] Age: 28 Personality: She is passionate about some things yet at the same time laid back on others. She has a strong sense of justice and dealing with wrongdoing. However, she also has a compassionate soul and will show mercy when she thinks it is needed. She has seen a lot in years as an officer yet the death of child still moves her. She is curious, intelligent and sometimes blatantly honest. Bio: Born in Northern Britain, she moved to the London metropolitan when she was six. At age eight, she was pulled out of her parents house and put into the state foster care system. At age eighteen she went to get a degree in Criminal Investigation which she received her Bachelor's in at the age of 22. She currently works with Scotland Yard with the intent to become a detective. [/hider]