Athinar narrowed his eyes, and said, "Poor innocent working woman? Hah." As the screech sounded, the gate opening, Athinar slowly turned his head around. Looking at the beast, unaffected by the sound, Athinar's eyes widened as he realized what this monster is. [i] Oh no, the old fool didn't leave that in the keep.... Oh gods. [/i] At Serkan's admonition, Athinar twisted his lips in a wry grin. "Heh, it's been a while since anyone's described what I say as quarrelsome or provocative." As it leaped towards Dasmira, Athinar strafed over the ground to stand directly in front of her. "Though I don't particularly like you, you cagna ladro, I'll still help the 'dead weight' in this group." As Serkan let a vorpal wave fly, Athinar murmured, [i] "Finno Fan," [/i] and a large, solid wall of fire sprung up from Athinar's body. At the center of the inferno, Athinar was nigh untouchable, and the beast would have to go through his flame shield to get to the "dead weight". Damn his need to protect everyone and their sister.