Celestia, and Luna the great rulers of the land are found [i]completely turned to stone[/i] , and and a hasty scribbled note is found close by which has the words "Look out for C", And it then abruptly stops. The two alicorns are encased in a very rare type of stone which is highly resistant to normal magic,and can only be undone, by a extremely hard to make potion, which was invented by Star Swirl the Bearded long ago.The ingredients are numerous ranging from common items, to rare treasured items held by royal families. Princess Candace is brought in to temporary rule the kingdom, as Twilight is tasked with finding the locations of some of the harder, natural ingredients. A reward is set up to anyone willing to help, many ragtag groups are sent out far and wild of equestia, and neighboring kingdoms to find the indigents. This is where the PC's will come in, they are one of these ragtag groups thrown together at the spar of a moment. The RP will start in canterlot castle right before Candace Talks about the dangers, and the reward. CS Name: Age:(16 +) Race:(Earth pony/Unicorn/Pegasus/Ect) Gender: Appearance:Picture or describing is fine. Background: 1-2 paragraphs are fine. Extra: Anything extra? I will Have my CS up today or tomorrow.