Sylus has the classic MIB taste in clothing, only changing it for special occasions, and minus the sunglasses. He's always flanked by two helpers, the ragged overworked looking kind, but also the eager happy with their jobs kind of people. He's platinum blond, shoulder length hair he keeps in two low ponys, making a kind of swallowtail in the back, and shaggy but tasteful long bangs he keeps parted that come down to his chin. His eyes are a vivid green and if it wasn't for their slender appearance(Not the over squinty kind), one would never guess he's a half breed. His skin is pale, but he definitely looks to get more sun than Shiori. He's always got a file, or a folder, or a clipboard ready and writes on them often, with the helpers responding to him almost as if they can read his mind. The office is large, and mostly empty. One wall is made entirely of glass. The wall across from it is where you enter the room. My desk is huge, made of dark wood, and faces the doors. My chair looks like an old fashioned desk chair but is on wheels, and is made of dark red leather. Just left of the doors is a coffeemaker with a basket of tea packets and jars next to it. Along the left hand wall is a large wall TV with a square cornered black leather three seater facing it. Along the right wall are a few posters and a lone door(You'll find out what's behind it laters :P). The way into the room from the elevator is a longish hallway with a vaulted ceiling, leading to a set of ornate double doors which open into my office. Your work space is just outside the doors and consists of a desk, a phone, a waste basket, and places for a laptop you will be assigned, and a printer which has yet to be delivered. It's a nice huge desk with many deep drawers to put stuff in, and plenty of space on top for personal items. The hall itself has two other doors leading out of it, one leading to a waiting lounge, the other to a conference room. Both are huge and take up the rest of the floor. Oh, and you have a comfy high backed black computer chair complete with armrests. Sound good?