I understand where you are coming from, despite being of the "new generation". What you don't realise is that only the minority of the populace have access to popular expression such as the media. As such, the "new generation" that you have encountered makes up roughly 4% of the populace and is composed entirely of half-stoned uni-students. If you look around, you will begin to see younger people not much different from yourself: decently behaved, able to prioritise, etc. If you look even further, you will see the resurgence of the 1920's "well-rounded man". This is important to note: as the new man is somewhat improved from previous models in that he is not sexist or racist. He believes that all races, classes and genders are equal and face similar problems. This has led to youth taking a more civilised approach to life. Teenagers today are more likely to discuss metaphysics and politics than they are violent destruction and nihilism.