UNFINISHED [B]Name[/B]: Eva Blackwater [B]Aliases[/B]: Iron Reaper - Iron Dragon [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Birthday[/B]: 13th July [B]Sexuality[/B]: Heterosexual [B]Special Characteristics[/B]: The Fairy Tail Tattoo can be found on the front of her left shoulder and is of an orange/bronze color. She also has iron studs coming from her body. ================================ [hider=History] Eva was born Julius was raised as an orphan in Magnolia but thanks to his keen intellect was quickly adopted by a merchant rising up the ranks of trading guild. His talents when it came to anything requiring activity of the mind, whether it be balancing the books, working out profit margins, trade routes, price adjustments or anything else, brought himself and his foster father into prominence in the guild. At the age of nine, two years after he had been adopted, Julius met a mage who regarded him in a way that was unique to the boy. The mage stayed in the town Julius' father worked in and it came to pass that Julius began his training as an Air Mage. Although it was only for a brief time Julius got down the basics and his discovery set him on the future path of magic. For over a decade the boy worked with his foster father and spent much of his free time in libraries and archives, studying anything and everything. His photographic memory forced him to forget nothing and, if it were not for his intellect, it was likely his pysche would have snapped early on. Having neglected his magic for years it came as no surprise that when the trading guild was attacked by a dark guild he was unable to protect himself or the merchants; including his foster father. By mere change he survived the attack, although a large scar, several inches wide, down his back marks where a burning beam landed upon him when the building was burnt down. Devoid of his father, and the life he had led up until then, Julius sought to follow the path of magic opened to him years before and returned to his home town; to Magnolia. Having joined Fairy Tail Julius kept to himself, still disquieted by his father's death and the other tragedies of that day. Over a week had passed since he had joined but still he found it hard to fully embrace his new life with the shadow of the last hanging over him; forever engraved into his memory which is unable to forget the slightest detail. [/hider] ================================ [B]General Appearance[/B] [B]Height[/B]: 5' 3" [B]Weight[/B]: 140 lbs [B]Appearance:[/B] (Green slitted eyes instead of the rinnegan) [IMG]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/20763/360959-naruto_shippuuden_157.mp4_snapshot_12.52__2011.02.13_00.07.08_.jpg[/IMG] She tends to wear a simple skin-tight sleeveless dark blue shirt paired with loose green camo cargo pants. Above this she often wears a black cloak with long sleeves if she has to travel or if the weather is very cold. She also always wears a forehead protector. ================================ [B]Magic:[/B] [URL="http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Dragon_Slayer_Magic"]Iron Dragon Slayer[/URL] [hider=Canon Magic] [URL="http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Dragon%27s_Roar"]Iron Dragon's Roar[/URL] [/hider] [hider=Custom Magic] Iron Dragon's Scythe: [/hider] [B]Abilities[/B]: Offensive: 5/10 Defensive: 6/10 Intelligence: 8/10 Speed: 4/10