Magnus and Tiberius were both caught unaware, and on impact, dropped the weapons they were holding and went flying off their feet. Magnus hit the ground first, rolling across the ground on impact, while Tiberius hit a tree and uprooted it due to the sheer weight of his suit. Neither of them moved for a few moments, and when they did, it was at first just some grunts and writhes. When Magnus stood, he turned towards Gren, frowning hard. "The hell was that for?" He asked, his arms waving out to his sides in an exaggerated questioning motion. He was about to yell something else, but was caught from the side by the suddenly up-and-running Tiberius. The tackle sent him back to the ground, and the more heavily armoured man attempted to wrench his helmet off after pinning him down. The knight was having none of that, however. The necklace he wore glowed a bright white, and from it, a shockwave of energy sent Tiberius flying. Quite far, actually. After about five seconds of airtime, he landed in a heap with a very loud thud, kicking up some dust. When he started to stand again, Magnus reached behind his back. The sword sheathed there would be impossible to draw normally due to its size. A claymore, it was well-balanced for two-handed use, but could be handled with one arm quite easily. To actually draw the weapon, he casted a much lesser version of the force spell. The sword essentially hopped out of its sheath, and when the hilt passed his palm, he grabbed on and let the weapon swing out. He gripped the blade two-handed, eyeing the others carefully, as he sidestepped his way towards his hammer and shield. They were both unharmed, but were of little use when not being wielded. Tiberius shook some of the dirt on his armour off, and reached behind his back. From his belt, he pulled a blade resembling that of a a battleaxe. When he held it, a handle erupted from the bottom, and he took the weapon up in both hands. The situation didn't seem to be calming down at all.