Just...ramblings. From me. About random topics, since I feel bad flooding RBYDark's Skype with them all the time when she might be doing other things :P [hider=Lava Whip]So I have to wonder now if Danbooru has a "lava_whip" tag. Because I found [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1068/0514da5d3d45d66d4c065c7cc3d10f8dff26dcc7.png]this[/url] on Safebooru and that whip is the most interesting thing to me. Except maybe the cape. But after a little investigation, I learned Danbooru does not have a lava_whip tag, nor a fire_whip tag. Why's that? This can't be the only image around with a whip like that, right? ...I imagine it'd hurt to get hit by that whip. A lot. Like, six hearts off your Legend of Zelda healthbar a lot. How does that whip even work? I saw a whip like that once in Ratchet & Clank, but this is lava instead of plasma, right? How does it work, then? Like a lava lamp? For that matter, how does the lava stay connected to the whip? O.O does the handle generate lava? Because that means the whip could extend to infinite lengths, and then nobody's safe from the lava whip of doom! Well, I guess that's one more reason for me to stay inside. And I've been playing too much Yu-Gi-Oh lately; I counted at least three times where I typed "lava" as "laval" and had to go back to fix it.[/hider] [hider=Sentient Jello]I've signed up for an RP with a god of carnivorous insect slimes with meat insides. Just now I realized that I pretty much described the god of sentient Jello. Really fucking ugly sentient Jello. What a thing to be a god of! Not to mention how many things can go wrong with sentient Jello, were such a thing to exist in the real world, which I wouldn't be surprised at with today's fun science things. Could sentient Jello fuse with more sentient Jello and become a collective consciousness? Could it shape itself as it pleased? If Jello went sentient, we could all die a very colorful and flavorful death. And what if sentient Jello disguised itself as non-sentient Jello? If somebody ate it, it could do all sorts of damage in its little pieces. Like, it could fuse back into one big Jello and tear your abdominals a new asshole. That would probably ruin your evening. So, long story short, if we wind up inventing sentient Jello, we just need to make all the Jello we've got and feed it to the homeless. If it's sentient, that sucks and all, but odds are - and I do my best to not sound cruel - their death wouldn't be as mourned as somebody with a home. If it weren't sentient, we'd get good karma for feeding the homeless. Or we could feed it all to the guy who invented the sentient Jello. But that still leaves the issue of how we'd get rid of the Jello. Eating it obviously won't work, so...tanks? Like, just send out a tank equipped with a big-ass flamethrower and torch the stuff. So now we're waging warfare against sentient food. Only in America.[/hider] [hider=Pokemon World is Dangerous World]A little something to notice. So many Pokemon fans (myself included) wish these guys existed in real life. But...some of these Pokedex entries make me wish only [i]some[/i] were real. As much as I love Braviary, that 5-foot eagle can carry [i]a fucking car[/i] while flying. Imagine what one could do to your skull if you got on its bad side! Another one - my all-time favorite - is Hydreigon, which responds to all movement by killing it! The Fire-types are also lots of fun in that regard. Magcargo's body temperature, for instance, is 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to vaporize anybody that gets too close to it. Then there's Magmar, whose breath - [i]just his breath[/i] - is 2,200 degrees. By contrast, Froslass's breath is almost -60 degrees. Not lethal, but certainly a threat. So how the hell did civilization endure and even reach the level the games are at with deadly things like this running around? I wouldn't mind going fishing and catching a Magikarp, or flying on the back of a trusty Golurk, but some Pokemon are just too powerful to be permitted into reality. Imagine if people started waging war with Pokemon. Lines of Magmortars firing 3,600-degree fireballs, unleashing a Gyarados to destroy opposing cities, lobbing explosive Voltorbs! If war in this world is bad, Pokemon's world is insanity. But even with how deadly they all are in reality, I still wouldn't mind owning a Braviary in real life. I'm only a foot bigger than him; I could totally fly on his back. Hydreigon would eat me, though :([/hider]