They are the children of super humans, mutants, and aliens who's best days are behind them. The retired life, and the breeding of the next generation. Some may be creating a new legacy all their own.The next generation, in some cases, more powerful than their predecessors. Nothing could prepare them for the things to come. This is the story of... Young Marvel: Future Perfect The goal here is to make a fun, somewhat light hearted RP with OCs made from canon Marvel heroes and villains, but still possessing the nice action you expect from a Marvel RP. I don't want this RP to be very big, 7/8/9 people limit, depending on the volume of people wanting to join. Also don't think that because you posted a profile you're automatically in, as I want to make sure those who do join have good enough characters and character sheets are the ones who get in, not who posted one first. ~Roster~ Franklin Richards - Mr Fantastic - DrewVonAwesome Caiden Garnett - Spider-Man - Green Granade Faen Lokison - Kid Loki - BlackSam3091 Phoebe Stark - Iron Maiden - Winter Mira DiAngelo - Copycat - RainDash Zachary Allaire - Legion - Argetlem350 Christopher Fury - Agent Fury - Mr_Pink James Leon Summers - Charge - Hillan Lily Van Dyne - Sting - Necrosis ------ It seemed to all happen at once, when Doctor Doom left a final image in many fresh minds of falling out of a window in his castle, Reed and Franklin Richards both fought him viciously before almost falling to their own possible deaths. Soon after Magneto was finally brought into justice, leaving the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in disarray. Trying to salvage the group Quicksilver took as leader, but his arrogance and lack of patience proved his downfall. The Brotherhood soon collapsed apart, the members all going in different ways. Magneto himself now all alone in a white plastic room buried deep in the ground, where he spent his remaining years. Slowly other evil factions fell, and the world began to see and feel a peace it hasn't had in some time. Naturally though, this meant a slow end for superheroes. With no major problems left to solve groups like The Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and other teams and individuals around the world slowly began to retire. Going into normal lives, and rejoining the rest of society. Even anti-mutant sediments began to fade, and although anti-mutant groups exist, people have calmed down on anti-mutant feelings. When his family retired, Franklin Richards soon found himself all alone as the new owner of the Baxter Building. At first Franklin merely lived on the top floors and rented out floors to small businesses for offices. However inspriation struck him when he strolled through New York's streets one afternoon and realized that there was no museums out there for the lost art of superheroes. Spending some time, money, and getting SHIELD's cooperation in particular information, Franklin Richards turned five of the bottom floors of the Baxter Building into The International Superhero Museum and Memorial. A state of the art facility that featured not only exhibits on heroes and teams. It was all with an interactive private audio tour made by Stark Industries using its JARVIS system, as well as replicas of some of the aircrafts used, costumes and uniforms, and even a special area where people can get an idea of what particular superpowers felt like, again one of Stark Industries' donations to the museum. The opening night party was a semi-private affair, although invitations were handed out to special guests. People were able to get access to the event with a particular donation to one of three charities. It was a sell out within the same week it went on sale, gaining thousands for the charities themselves. For Franklin himself it was an amazing experience, filming interviews with people like Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, his own parents and uncles, things like his own father coming in and building from scratch a replica of the ship himself and the others took their fateful trip into space with, which now rests next to the wrecked actual ship. It wasn't all smiles though, when they brought in one of Doom's robes Franklin had to leave the room being uncomfortable. Still though the positives outweighed the bad. Tonight Franklin was expecting a wow from the public, and he knew he wasn't going to be dissappointed. Needing some deep breaths Franklin put the finish touches to his suit and grooming. He had never even worn a suit before, so just putting it on was a weird experience. As he finally stepped out of his room he stepped through what used to be the base for his parents' team: The Fantastic Four. Normally Franklin wasn't very nostalgic, he shared his father's idea of always looking forward, but given the circumstances Franklin couldn't help feeling the memories come pouring back in. Walking by the living room where Johnny and Ben had epic gaming sessions where money and pride would be on the line, his father's old lab where Franklin would watch him creating once thought to be impossible creations. His sister's old room which made him a little sad she was the only one in the family not attending. Naturally no one was expecting her to make it. Ever since she became the youngest person in the world to rule a country, Valeria has had her hands full taking a country held back in technology and other things for years. Even still though Franklin wished she could be there, even if his best accomplishment paled big time to hers. As Franklin took a secret elevator down to the first floor, he made sure to welcome in some of the more special guests, spoke with media who were swarming in. All with the grace and style of someone almost too used to being in some kind of public spotlight. Franklin made his way into the museum itself, but as he made small talk with the guests he was clearly checking his phone every so often. Not only because his parents were flying out in the old Fantasticar to Las Vegas to pick up Johnny and his wife Lyja, but Franklin was expecting friends to show up.