[u]TSP[/u] “And you’re sure of this?” Pearson asked as he walked down the hallway with Tia as the two headed towards the elevator. With the long day finally coming to an end, Pearson was wasn’t enthused when Tia came to his sleeping quarters with the news that a situation was taking place. “Of course I am.” Tia said before pressing the button to call the elevator. “Cameron is up to something and the way things appear, we can’t wait. Carter is still downstairs with the Gen Charlie so I’ve sent the Ben and Aaron to gather the others and get things rolling.” Following Pearson into the elevator, she scanned her ID card which lit up most of the buttons that displayed the elevator floors. Pushing the button that led to the floor the Command Room was located, she turned her attention towards Pearson as the elevator hummed as it made its way downwards. “Listen, I know technically we cannot be involved until all the paperwork and technicalities are worked on tomorrow but you’ll need us. Cameron and the rest of them won’t be able to be taken out like the Gen Charlies. The reformers are not civilians as the Charlies are, they’re trained Supers chosen for this job. Send the guys with your men, you’ll need them not only to help you against Cameron but the Gen Charlies would be more willing to listen to Supers like them instead of a team with guns suddenly charging in.” “You’re lucky that I’m saying yes to this. Don’t make me regret it.” Pearson said. As he entered the Command Room, he could see that is was busy with life again as people prepared for round two. “Sanders,” Pearson said as his gaze landed on the man across the room. “Are your men ready? Things are going to be trickier this time around, especially since there isn’t much time to prepare as well as having the Supers involved on both ends.” “We were just leaving.” Sanders said with a nod. “We’re sending out air support this time around to keep an eye out on the situation. See if you can get the human computer to clear any traffic we might come across to aid the ground team while slowing down the van with as many red lights she can without gaining the Reformer’s suspicion. Our red and blue lights can only speed things up so far, with her help I hope we can catch them quickly.” “I’ll have her on that.” Pearson said in agreement before turning his attention towards Tia who was busy briefing those in the room of the van she came across in a few traffic cameras. Although his own personnel were quite well at their jobs within the Command Room, none of them stood up to what the human computer could do. He only hoped that it would be enough of an advantage for them. [u]Reformers[/u] “You’re sure they were taken to the cell?” Cameron said looking at Daniel. Stationed at the base throughout the whole ordeal, Cameron kept a careful eye out on the situation that took place that night. However he wasn’t expecting Daniel to return with the news that there were still more Charlies out there. “Yes, I could sense a small group of Supers concentrated together and none of them were part of Bravo. Their power signature is very distinct and familiar to me for me to get them mixed up. As I was waiting for Josiah to get back, all of them suddenly disappeared. I couldn’t feel any of their powers and I am quite certain that Pearson wouldn’t order a mass execution to get rid of them all so the next logical assumption is that they’ve been placed in the cell since nobody’s powers can penetrate into or out of the cell, including mine.” “Were you able to tell how many there were? Garret will need to know how many he’s transporting since he does have his limits, even with you enhancing his abilities and I doubt Carter will just sit around idly as we do so.” “Yes, I rather avoid getting shot at. I had enough trouble with the Charlies trying to fight back.” Josiah relied with a slight scoff as he took as seat in a chair within the base’s briefing room. “I’m afraid that I was too far away and they were bunch up too close for me to know but if I had to estimate I’d say that they around the same amount as we did.” Daniel said before directing the topic forwards. “So how exactly are we going to get them? Josiah can jump into the cell due to the anti-Super capabilities the cell has and I doubt they’ll let him waltz right in.” “I’m guessing by now that the TSP figured that something is up so most of the security probably won’t be near the cell since they’ll be trying to find us and if not, they’ll think that they’ve completed their mission successfully and the activity will die down pretty quickly. I’m quite sure that if I play my cards right, I’ll be able to waltz right in.” Josiah said with a slight smirk. “Don’t be so cocky, once they find you they’ll have people out trying to stop you. Sure, taking one or two people wouldn’t be that difficult but ferrying them all to the van will require multiple trips and that won’t be easy. You’d need Garret at the minimum and me as well so you can take more people at one time.” Daniel said before looking at Cameron. “It might be good to have you along as well in case reinforcements is needed.” “That would be helpful but I think I should be taken to the van. I have a feeling that Tia is probably on to us and I rather not have Dr. Wilson on his own if something were to happen during this ordeal.” Cameron said before standing up. “Well, it looks like it’s time to get back to work.” “As in making me do pretty much all the work.” Josiah sighed before grabbing ahold of Cameron and Daniel and jumping towards the van, making sure to appear in the now cramped midsection so that the trio wouldn’t cause a disturbance in the back of the van. [u]Within the Sandy Van[/u] “Hmm Stretch, I like that name.” Garret said with a slight smirk. “I never understood why we never used codenames and such, I would think it would make everything much better, don’t you think?” Garret said pausing a few seconds, obviously thinking about the nickname. “Anyways, getting back on topic. I don’t see why my ability comes to you guys as a big surprise. Seriously, I think Aaron and his armadillo-like abilities would give more of a bang than my abilities. Hell, I bet serum gave you all more interesting powers than mine.” Pausing for a second as he looked at each of them, Garret shook his head slightly. “Well, I guess no one really told you guys about the serum since it’s a big government secret and all. I’m no scientist so I don’t know all the facts and details but the serum can pretty much be given as an injection, or in your case through the air since one of the vials broke during the bus crash. I’m guessing you all felt pretty crappy afterwards, almost as if you had the flu or something?” Garret said as he paused seeing if any of them recognized what he was talking about before continuing. “Anyways after that I’m guessing your lives started to get very interesting as your abilities were awakened. Am I right?” However before anyone could respond, the door that connected the midsection and the back of the van opened up. Sticking his head in, Josiah looked towards Garret. “Come on, it’s time to get back to work.” “What is it this time?” Garret asked, now talking in a serious tone as stood up. “We’re taking a little field trip to TSP’s headquarters.” “Oh god, what are you planning on doing?” Garret said with a slight shake of his head and made his way towards the door. “Sorry about this but it seems like we’ll have to continue our conversation later.” [u]Within the Cell of Solitude [/u] A slight shiver crawled Jenna’s back as she listened to the woman in the cell. The idea of being guinea pigs didn’t sit well with her as her glance moved between the woman and the newcomer, glad that a strong-minded person was there with her who was able to take charge of the situation. She could see that the man was about to respond but before he did his attention was diverted as another man asked about having medication. “Yes, I can get someone to send it down here.” Carter said as he made a slight motion towards the camera that was sitting in the corner of the cell. “They’ll have Annie send someone down with a bottle for you, an untampered still in the box if you’d like.” Carter said with a slight chuckle, knowing quite well that he would be far from trustworthy in their eyes. “Anyways, that was one of the reasons I came down here.” Carter said turning his gaze towards the woman that spoke to him. “Ranae Viktor, I presume?” He asked out of being polite rather than genuinely wanting to know since he already knew who all of them were. “I came down here to try and clear any confusion you might have and to make sure that you know that you don’t have to fear us. We are not the enemy here, we only want to help you all. What happened at the bus crash wasn’t supposed to happen and it’s unfortunate that you all had to get involved due to chance and genetics but we cannot change the past and a very dangerous group is now after you because of what happened. In the simplest sense the Reformers, as they liked to be called, could be seen as a type of terrorist group made up of people like you all. They were once a part of my team of trained military men, scientists and other highly train personals who were given a serum that had the ability to alter a person’s genetic code which allows them to gain abilities deemed impossible, the same serum that was released during the crash. It’s been a week now since the crash, I don’t doubt that you’ve seen changes in your life since then? Am I wrong to assume this?” As Jenna listened to the man, she wondered if he was joking with her. Getting wrapped up into something he described seemed nearly impossible to her. Although she wanted to deny what the man was saying, she knew there was at least a hint of truth as she thought about the incidences she had notice occur during the past week. However as she listened, she wondered what would happen now. If there really was a terrorist group after her, going home wouldn’t be wise and if Carter was lying to her about what was going on and they were really there to be used as guinea pigs as Ranae said, she wondered how she would ever escape. She only hoped that this was all a dream and she would wake up in the morning in her own bed. Two knocks were heard at the door and Carter looked back a little surprised. “Wow, I’m quite surprised. I’ve never seen them work this quickly.”