“Hmm... people would throw things at you?” Rosalie frowned a little, biting her lip as she shot him a hard look. Should she really make a comment on that? The girl contemplated on delving further into how he saw humans after that, but she sighed a few seconds later, shaking her head as she told herself not to say anything. Was it really right for her to ask? Though if he somehow managed to get her mad, she could maybe use that as a threat. She had not told anyone how Gore had killed the hunters in the way that he did, but was sure that if she had, it would be quite easy inviting people to participate. “You know... you really should watch that tongue of yours. It’s fine if you’re around people you can trust, but... I can’t guarantee people I know will like me having you around.” Rosalie told him, folding her arms. The way he referred to things made Rosalie raise her eyebrow from time to time. If she had not been worrying so much, she would have laughed a little instead of cracking a faint smile. An interesting sight, if she may say so herself, to see the Blood Dragon, a fierce beast on the battlefield, act in such a way to everyday objects such as the holograms, that had the younger kids in awe. He was almost childish. Almost. “I.. guess that’s one way of seeing things.” Rosalie briefly looked back up at him, gauging his height for a moment. Of course Gore would look capable of fighting even in this form. That led her to wonder if she would be able to defend herself should he turn against her. Would he? The girl gave a wary shrug at her own thoughts. At least if he did, she knew the Order would be quick to dispose of him, so perhaps she could rest easy knowing that. Rorshe had seemed extremely disappointed when the opportunity had slipped through his fingers, so she guessed he would be the first to step forward and take up the task. Rosalie should not be thinking about that now, though; being a bit tired could lead to some undesirable situations. Gore playing with the camera did cheer Rosalie up a bit, a small chuckle escaping her. It just meant closeups of him without her making the effort, really. It was better for him to learn some things through experience as not everything could be learned by listening. Did Gore really have something to ask? How strange, she mused to herself, blinking a couple of times. What had happened to that high and mighty act? She shook her head but she did not appear annoyed that he had not voiced his question. The girl just thought he seemed quite hesitant, like he had lost that fire he had when talking to the crowd. The moment Gore had mentioned why he had aided her, Rosalie stopped and looked at the ground, suppressing a shudder. She had been so intent on getting something as proof of his existence that she really had not thought of what she would do if she had been caught. Rosalie would have liked to believe that she was careful, but maybe not careful enough in this case. “I wasn’t expecting to hear that. Not from you, anyway.” The girl did not believe he cared. For all she knew, he could have saved her to get back at the hunters, but either way, he had helped her and for that, “I am grateful, though. If you think your questions are appropriate, just ask. I feel like I should at least give you that much for helping me out back there.” Rosalie sighed, regarding him carefully with a slight tilt of her head. He was acting differently to how she thought he would initially act. Rosalie was quite suspicious of him because of it. Maybe he was trying to get her guard down? Rosalie had other reasons for not wanting to enter the arena and the way Gore was speaking about it, about odds and betting on him, was starting to bug her. She reminded herself that he didn’t know and that perhaps his way of thinking was greatly different from hers. At least he wasn’t being insistent that she enter him in the arena. She hated being pushed about and she wasn’t going to stand for it from a dragon of all people. The building of the inn she had been staying at came into view after a while of walking, but as relieved as she was to know that rest was right around the corner, Rosalie did not pick up her pace at all. Instead, she stayed near enough so that she was able to hear what Gore was saying over the loud explosions of fireworks overhead, stopping to look up at the sky when the Blood Dragon commented on it. “It is, isn’t it?” The girl realised that she had agreed with him a little too late. The monster was able to admire even a night like this? He was right, though, she would give him that. It was one that should be remembered for the opportunity it brought. If Rosalie continued to count her losses, she would never be able to focus, so she decided that tomorrow she would start anew and try to forget the large amount she had spent. Hopefully, the lizard wouldn’t remind her by making her regret her decision in buying him. “We’ll start heading back tomorrow.” She declared as her attention flickered back to Gore. “I’m not in much of a hurry to get back home, so we can make stops in between when necessary.” Rosalie figured it might give her time to get used to his presence now that she would be around him more in the future. Perhaps she could ask him some questions, as well as answer a few of his - if she wanted to, that is. Thinking back to the battle, she saw how the arrows had pierced him and how he had formed a ‘cocoon’ of protection around her with his wings. That coupled with the new injuries sustained tonight could be a bother. [i]Obviously, that Rorshe character didn’t think this winged lizard would sell.[/I] She thought, shaking her head. Reaching out to Gore, the girl pinched a bit of the garb that he was wearing with her thumb and index finger, testing the quality and texture of the material with a light frown of disdain. It really did not fit their time at all, but there were still people who adopted the traveller look, so it shouldn’t be a big deal just yet. Depending on how much money she would have left to spare tomorrow after buying a saddle, she should probably consider getting him some new clothes to help him blend in as much as was possible. Maybe Eric and Sigmund would have something to spare? Rosalie had absolutely no idea how owners dealt with this. Did they already have something picked out in mind or did they let their dragons choose? Stepping back at Gore’s questioning, Rosalie tilted her head to one side, humming a flat tone in thought whilst looking back over to the inn. [i]I.. I don’t know - as much as I hate admitting that.[/I] “Here’s a chance to possibly earn a bit of my trust; I’ll let you decide what you do. If you want to come inside, I’ll see if I can convince the innkeeper. If not, then just stay close to the area. If I find that you’ve run off... you’ll be in trouble.” She warned him before switching to a slightly lighter tone, “take this time to rest...and... here’s a bit of homework..” There was a smirk on her face, “play around with that camera and see if you can figure out what button does what.” With that, she turned, making her way to the inn.