He knew. Somehow this armored overseer knew about the crash, the sickness, all of it. Garrett's arm-extending was a neat trick, but Adam, after coping with his own newfound ability for some time now, wasn't all that impressed. Following that, he began to put two and two together. If he had powers, and this guy had powers, did everyone in this sand-strewn cell have powers? He began to regard the others with a new sense of suspicion, except for the girl of course—her profuse tears and flowing nose left her in a sorry state, fit for no more than pity. Then, of course, Garrett went and confirmed Adam's hypothesis. He prepared to respond, to ask what was to be done with them, when the connecting door cracked open and a voice called through it. Until now, Adam hadn't given any thought to the idea that there was more than one captor, but the notion seemed obvious now. A few moment later and Garrett was gone, bestowing upon the prisoners a final apology and farewell. Adam pondered this man. Of course he was afraid of anyone who took advantage of a moment of vulnerability on his part, but before now he has assumed that this guy was just some grunt following orders, uncaring about the result. Garrett's mannerisms, however, were awfully informal and sociable. Perhaps this wasn't some finger on the arm of a greater power, like the government; maybe this 'Stretch' was part of a small, close-knit group. But were they the heroes or the villains? There was no clue to be had. If worse came to worse, Adam decided, he would try to fight. His ability was still largely uncontrolled and untested, but he'd lived long enough to know that a little sand in the eyes goes a long way. Even as Adam created this mental resolve, however, he knew that he wouldn't be able to back it up. These people had guns, possibly unknown superpowers, maybe twenty-five years, and probably professional training versus fifty-one year old, pacifist Adam. There really was nothing he could do but wait. “God help us,” he murmured, staring with droopy eyelids and a morose frown at the spot where Garrett had disappeared.