Though Erde made demands of the great metal beast, it simply stood there and ignored his words. Perhaps it was just a statue, albeit an incredibly large and unnecessary one.The titan turned himself around and spotted Ysolda in the distance, and he wandered over to her. Now that the BoT was not considered an issue there was nothing keeping her from doing as she promised to do. Erde approached her and pointed to the center, the scowl of earth closing back into a blank and featureless mass of dirt and sand. "Fix this, and you will return balance. If you do not, then you wi-" Before he could finish the statement, as he was speaking to Ysolda she started shaking violently. As though she was having some sort of seizure, the kind where you foam at the mouth. It was so sudden and fast that even Erde could not react to what happened next. The fragile humanoid form simply exploded into a disgusting red slop that flew off into every direction. There was no big bang, no flash of light, she simply liquefied in every direction away from her body.The earth titan said nothing, he simply stood there as chunklets of sorceress flopped off of his body.