Mira DiAngelo preferred wearing men's suits over dressy gowns. For one, she could wear her hero suit under it and people would be none the wiser. Of course, she still had to contend with stares and silent judging, but if they decided to do anything stupid. she might report them to the police. Regular people weren't her problem. She was here just to see her predecessors and 'admire' them. Whatever that meant. Most people passed her by, which was Mira's intentions. She preferred to have a quiet moment studying over a long, boring, conversation. Her peace was interrupted by a curious passerby. "Oh, you're one of those new x-men, ain't cha?" "Yes." Mira checked her watch. She affixed when she met this man in her head by time and date. It was habit of hers. "So, you related to onna dem guys up on display?" the man asked. "I am related to Rogue, if you must ask," a possible lie. Mira's roots could be traced back through her father, but so far she had been unsuccessful as to who her mother was. It was easier to claim to be related to a hero than to someone who was not. "Kindly go away. I have to study for a test tomorrow." The man looked irritated at Mira's cold demeanor, but left. Mira sighed and went back to looking briefly at the plaques under the various sections. She'd study them later, but for now it seemed that Spiderman was meeting with the older Peter Parker outside. Mira watched, uninterested. [i]If he's such a big fan, how come he hasn't visited him before?[/i] next came Iron Man and his daughter. Mira had little interest in her name, even if she could just recall it. Mira walked back inside, debating whether or not to pull out her book or watch one of the various documentaries that were on display. Mira touched the little X on the corner of her jacket, identifying her as an x-man member -even though the x-men were mostly disbanded these days- so that others could ask her questions about how they were doing these days. Most of the other students couldn't make it, as they needed to study. Mira, as far as she knew, was the lone representative.