[i]Gods, this is so staged. How do these people not notice?[/I] Thought Prince Faen Lokison as he watched the new Spider-man meet the old, going through their obviously scripted performance. Faen had slid to the front of the crowd that was swarming the two Spidermen, eager to see what the fuss was about. The falseness of the meeting was wearing thin for half-blood though. [i]Their lies rival my own [/i]thought the Lokison, who at that very moment was wearing a black, expensive looking suit and shirt which he had illusioned into existence, and had blagged his way into Franklin Richards ritzy party by showing a fake ticket. Still, it was the principal of the thing that annoyed him. People had always scorned Faen for his lies, but Peter Parker was being lauded as a celebrity for his. Still, it was a good learning opportunity for him. The conversation between the current and the previous Spider-man was so scripted it was obvious the two knew each other already, but seeing as Peter hadn't mentioned meeting this new Arachnid Avenger to the news reporter that said to Faen they were trying to hid the relationship. Perhaps the Spider-man was some relation of Peter's, a son maybe who had inherited his father's powers. Faen made a mental note to check up on Parker's family tree before slipping away. After all, knowledge was power, and having any power over Spider-man could prove to be very useful indeed. Prince Faen was about to enter the Baxter building, keen to find a buffet so he could fill his empty stomach, when a low murmur of excitement gripped the crowd. Turning, Faen spotted two low flying objects shooting straight for the party. The two were sounding the rip-roaring tunes of AC/DC, but even without that Faen would still have known who it was. Even amongst all the Super-heroes and celebrities here, no one could quite match the Stark's for ostentatiousness. The two hit the pavement to thunderous applause. How nice acceptance must feel. No wonder Stark acts like he owns the place. That said, Stark's daughter was quite an attractive young woman, and Faen had always had a weakness for pretty blonds. The fact that she was also intellectually gifted, rich AND owned her own super armour was just icing on the cake for Faen. Exhibiting his unique brand of confidence he approached the Phoebe without hesitation, growling stomach forgotten for the moment, skipping through her crowd of admirers and sliding effortlessly into step with her. "Your landing was breath-taking miss Stark." He complimented her smoothly "I thought after witnessing it that I had to introduce myself. Prince Faen Lokison, at your pleasure." His name usually elicited one of two responses from people. They would either be disbelieving, and scoff at his impenitence, or they would believe, and stamp him with the sins of his father. Seeing as she was the daughter of Tony Stark, who had fought many a vicious battle against Loki, Faen was more than curious to see what Phoebe would have to say.