Legion stood on top of a building, watching the show from the building top that was taking place within the Baxter Building. His real name was Zac Allaire, a quiet man who had never been all that outspoken, he merely had lived his day by day life quietly and just keeping to himself mostly besides his friends and family. Though that had changed when he had become Legion, when the symbiote had bonded with him. His debut to the public eye was only a month ago and people knew him but he was no hero, not like those gathering within the walls of The Baxter Building. He might of tried to be but he doubted anyone wanted to see a symbiote crash a party, after what trouble a few of them had caused. Sure there had been good from his symbiote legacy: Venom, Anti-Venom, Toxin, Hybrid, Mania, Scream, and Scorn to name a few had all worked for good at some point. The damage the others had caused or what the good ones did before they were good had left their impressions on society. Symbiotes were not liked. So despite Legion called himself a hero, in truth he wasn't sure if he was, his actions were more violent then normal heroes if he understood what a hero was, his actions were for his own gain and his justice was his own that could leave a man badly beaten and near death. Perhaps the better term for him was that he was an antihero. Of course within those walls his somewhat arch hero in training who stole his thunder was in there, the new Spiderman no doubt was there along with the old. He didn't hate him, he just was annoyed with how views were, while Spiderman got the glory, he got the hatred of New York's people despite at least some of the good he did. He had to accept though he would never have that type of fame, at least Zac would, while the symbiote preferred doing things for personal gain, Zac wanted to do some good in the world, since he wasn't entirely a nobody anymore.