Chris sat in the room he had lived in all his life. It was rather small and contained only the real necessities that he needed to survive, he could find everything else around the helicarrier. He rubbed his eyes, he was to attend some sort of superhero gallery opening later on as a representative of SHIELD and as partial security. He wondered why people of their power would actually need security from someone a lot more human than most of them. He didn't even have any real powers, sure he was stronger and more durable than the average human and all that bullshit, but he could still be killed by a bullet just as well as any other man. He got up from the bed he sat on and got dressed into his formal wear. He wore the bare essentials of his regular armour underneath the suit he wore. His suit didn't have a tie and wasn't buttoned at the top, he preferred this style to the more business type with the tie. His suit was gray and had seen its fair share of action. It was practically the only suit he ever wore, it was used on almost every espionage mission he'd ever been on and has had it's fair share of repairs. Before he put on his suit, he put the holster he wore practically every day around his shirt. It held his guns in place beside his stomach, just out of view if he was wearing a jacket. He was pretty much ready for the party now he just hoped that he wouldn't have to talk to any snooty benefactors who got in for donating to some obscure charity that helps Kenyan goats or some shit. He made his way to the quinjet that would be taking him down to street level and got in. He thought it was a bit extravagant to be using a quinjet just to go to some party. Nevertheless it was just about the only way to get off of the helicarrier and was the only form of transport offered to him which didn't involve parachuting or skydiving. He didn't mind skydiving, but he did mind showbolters and just chose to come down around half an hour early in the quinjet. He was soon at the party, there were a few people still setting up and very few people there. The reason he had arrived early was to scout out the place and make sure he could figure out all the variables that could go wrong with the party. He just hoped that they served whiskey at the party or otherwise it may go on a lot longer for Chris than he had first expected. An hour or so had passed before the party was really getting into it. The room Chris stood in was getting rather crowded and he felt he needed to have a smoke. He escaped from the museum to the front entrance, but not before grabbing a small glass of whiskey from one of the many waiters surveying the hall. He took a small pack of cigarettes from his pocket and slipped one into his mouth before lighting it. The outside was still rather crowded with the numerous people trying to get in and the few people still outside, but Chris preferred it to the inside of the museum. Soon enough though, Stark arrived seemingly to rain on Chris' silent parade. He arrived with his daughter before the cameras started flashing. Chris took a swig of his whiskey, it was going to be a long night.