James Leon Summers, the son of Scott Summers and Jean Summers-Grey. His father a hero in the mutant community, having saved countless mutant lives, lead the X-men for decades, trained, shaped and saved more mutants than you could count. His mother, a beautiful woman who ranks as being one of the strongest mutants in the universe, having fought toe to toe with the greatest of enemies on a regular basis. In the mutant community, James was always expected to be a rockstar, someone who would make waves as soon as their powers broke out. Professor Xavier said that James would have the cunning and bravery of his father, but the grace and power of his mother. And he was always pushed towards greatness. But the truth were always that James didn't fit the mold everyone expected from him. He was no superman, he weren't the messiah-esque mutant people seemed to expect him to be. He was just your average run off the mill kid who didn't quite line up with the expectations of his parents. Was he a screw up? Definitely not, he was a good kid who kept his nose clean and his heart honest. But was he great? Not to the extent people expected him to be. James thought about these things, about the legacy he would be carrying his entire life as he sat there in the very expensive car, the driver taking him to the Baxter Building, as his father had said it would do him good to see the older defenders of the planet, and see their adventurers. Scott was training a batch of SHIELD soldiers in how to safely combat mutants with non-lethal measures, all the while Jean was in a meeting with the leaders of four African countries, and if the meeting went well it could lead to lasting peace in central Africa. Needless to say, James's parents were busy this evening. It didn't bother James too much, though. It allowed him to blend in more, not have people stop him every minute and talk about how great his parents were. The car stopped, he thanked the driver, and got out. He was wearing dress-pants, dress-shirt, black leather shoes, a red tie and a nice suit-jacket. Everything was tailored to fit him perfectly, the nice gold watch on his arm, a gift from his maternal grandfather on his 16th birthday. James scoffed as he walked through the door, and the doorman greeted him with “Welcome Mr.Summers.” James watched the documentary about Peter Parker. Spider-Man had always been something of an idol for him. Then a loud noise was heard, James distinguished it as the kind of music his uncle, Alex, would listen to. James smiled as he saw the two Stark's dismantle their armors, turning them into neat suitcases. James enjoyed Stark's work, he was a very intelligent man, so naturally, James had to go shake his hand. “It's an honor to meet you again, Mr. Stark” James said with a smile, as Tony let out a soft chuckle, the sides of Tony's hair had began graying with age, and the creases in his skin, from smiling a lot had gotten deeper since James had seen him last year. “Very nice to meet you, too, Summers. You've grown quite a lot since I saw you at last years TED-conference, haven't you? How did the advanced bio-engineering class go?” Tony asked him. James shrugged for a moment, Tony's ability to remember details was as impressive as always. “ I aced it thanks to the tips you gave me.” Tony smiled, and was about to say something more to James, when he was approached by several others to talk about his latest projects. That's when James turned to the Ms.Stark, Tony's daughter. Catching the boy calling himself the Son of Loki chatting with her. James let out a soft chuckle. [I] I'm not the only one who's got a big-shot parent, at least.[/i] Thinking about big-shots, he wanted to find the big-cheese. He needed to go say hi to Franklin.