[b] Rob-Haywood [/b] Rob looked at the sky with a bitter look, "Another day" It was nippy outside, the cold biting at his fingers. It had been a weird time since he had joined Haywood but it was better then before. Sure he had joined in a time of chaos, and not that it was that better now. But he had enough of the loneliness. Rob stepped forth into one of the buildings, He had to check many things. Make sure nothing bad had sneaked it's way in. As he gave a small nod to one of the many people doing their chores he checked upon a few people. Rob shivered as a bit of breeze whipped over him. He was annoyed that this building seemed to have lots of drafts. He wonder if he should talk to Daniel about something that had been annoying him. Troubling the fact that he didn't really know Daniel. But then again, many people didn't. [i] Soon there will be something, I can feel it [/i] [b] Matt-Outpost [/b] Matt frowned as he looked upon the sky, "They've been taking a while, I don't understand why we have to take so long to explain" Matt cursed in his mind as he started to cough once again. [i] In a world with the undead and I of all the people get nasty cough, it could be worst. [/i] Matt sat down on one of the rather uncomfortable chairs for the counsel. He hoped that the expansion would come soon, he didn't think he could handle more of this cramped place. He silently tapped his fingers against his leg. He hadn't slept a lot in the last few days. He tended to stare at the wall for hours. Just thinking, and the few hours of sleep that did come to him were haunted in nightmares. "Hmmm, it shouldn't be long..." Matt repeated to himself as he waited